Teaching the Fledglings Part 1/2

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Elira's POV

I felt like it was an all-black day, black boots, black pants, black v-neck, and a black leather jacket. I guess a part of me wants to mourn who I once was while in reality, I simply want to forget. I'm somewhere new and I'm someone new. I need to let the past be the past for once. I'm probably a hypocrite for saying that when I'm here... Standing outside the Salvatore mansion, the mansion belonging to two boys I've loved like brothers... But still managed to fuck over in one way or another. I'll not be surprised if they hate me and I'm okay with that. However, I truly believe I still can make a life here. 

I took a deep breath as I opened the gate and closed it behind me. I took glanced at the scenery. It was a beautiful estate, I have to say. Huge open space with an attached forest. Ironically enough, it's perfect for vampires. Always a dark corner to hide in. My gaze followed the trail leading to the front door, considering it. No, that wasn't it. I needed a better entrance. I mean... as far as they know I've been dead for decades. 

I walked around the house, studying it. Looking for an entrance. That's when I saw it, a balcony leading into what looked like a study of some sort. I walked up to the balcony and tilted my head back. It was on the second floor, so I needed to jump to get there. I was taking testing my luck doing this. As far as I knew the estate was owned by Stefan and Damon, two vampires, which means I don't have to be invited in. But knowing them they might have done something clever to hinder other vampires from entering.

I braced myself and leaped into the air. I caught the railing and climbed onto the balcony with a thud. Okay, now or never. I grabbed the glass door and twisted the handle. It opened with a click. I looked down at the threshold and then quickly stepped across it. Nothing happened... Success. 

They're both idiots. You would have thought that after a century they would know better.

I took a look around. It was a bedroom. The whole area screamed of the Stefan I once knew, it must be his bedroom. There were books everywhere. I could see a large desk close to the balcony door, which was what I saw from the ground. A couch was placed in the corner beside the door and a neatly placed fireplace across the room from it. I walked over to the fireplace taking a look at the shelf above it full of quite old books and some antiques, vases, and a clock. 

I turned from the fireplace and walked over to a closet. I opened it expecting clothes only to find more books but there was something different about these books. I picked one up and studied it. On the front, it said 1983. 

"Interesting..." I mumbled and opened it. It was full of Stefan's handwriting. His journals, huh? or more like diaries. I put the book down, my curiosity taking over. I started to search through the books, looking for the year we met... the time we spent together. To no prevail. It appears that the entire section of that time was missing. I guess he didn't have much time to write while ripping people apart... sucks. It would have been an interesting read. I chuckled for myself at the thought

I put all the books back as well as I could, then I walked over to his desk and sat down. I put my legs on the edge of the desk, leaned back in the chair, and sighed. 

"Then we wait..."


I was zoned out in my own thoughts almost dozing off when I heard voices. I could recognize Stefan's voice but there was a feminine voice with him that I could not place. I used my vampire hearing to listen to their conversation as they approached the door to Stefan's room. 

Female: "Matt called me about a female vampire he met at the mystic grill last night."

Stefan: "Did he recognize her?"

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