Crime Scene

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Sirens echoed throughout the city as police vehicles and ambulances rushed to La Café.

Logan could not keep up with the gathering crowds. His heart beat palpitated as he ran towards the café, and the scene that played out before his eyes was in every way unpleasant.

The sun shone and reflected on the broken glass shards outside what used to be the perfect view of La Café. That on its own was enough to make Logan believe that no one in that café survived, because the whole front was covered in glass only.

"No." He breathed, his feet coming to a stop in front of the café. This felt worse than the time MJ went missing, it was too real and yet so surreal like nothing he had ever seen before.

Bodies were scattered everywhere in and outside the café, and there was blood splattered all across the floor. The shooters had obviously shot to kill and they shot at everyone within reach of La Café and everyone inside.

Surely this could not be the price for a few punches. Who could have done this?

All the noise faded as he entered the café through what used to be a 'window view', the silence deafening as the bloodied bodies came into view. His heart quickened in his chest as he scanned through the corpses for a familiar face, a flowery dress, and brownish-grayish hair.

"Logan, you can't be in here, Sir." One of the police detectives informed.

"I have to find her," he whispered.

More police and paramedics flooded the place, others going to the kitchen, bathrooms, and office, while the detective escorted him out.

They were only able to save a few people although the paramedics described that they were in critical conditions. Everyone in the kitchen and a few waiters had survived, as well as a few people who had gone to the bathroom prior the shooting.

It appeared that the shooters shot from outside the café and aimed at everyone in front and behind the glass.

The police escorted every survivor out of the café and took their statements while others the dead bodies and identified them with the help of the surviving waiters.

Soon the place was crowded with journalists and news reporters.

With each body that was lifted out, Logan kept looking for a familiar face although in his heart he hoped she was still alive.

She was not anywhere amongst the deceased, injured, or survived, and that made Logan worry even more. What if they had taken her?

"Is that everyone?" Another detective asked. Logan turned to look in her direction; it was Zoe, David Botha's twin sister. She looked exactly like him, minus the scar, perhaps even lighter. She was a tall, plus-sized woman with a fair skin.

She was the very opposite of David; cunning, deceitful, corrupt, and yet loving when it came to their sister.

"Zoe, what's happening in there? Do you know what happened? Where's Mrs Dos Santos?" He asked desperately in a panicked voice.

"She is the owner, right?" Zoe asked.

He nodded. "Yes."

"Officer Nkanyezi!" She called out to one of the officers.

"Yes, detective."

"Amongst the identified, was there a Antonina Dos Santos?"

"No, Mam."

"And you checked all the rooms in the café?"

"Yes, the bathroom, office, and kitchen," the officer backed.

Logan's eyes perked up, a frown on his face. "What about the cellar?" He asked.

Zoe turned to him. "A cellar?"

"Yes, there's wine cellar on the right to the counter." He wanted to run in there, but Zoe stopped him and told him to wait outside. Logan did not listen anyway, he followed them inside and came to a stop at the door leading to the cellar, his heart coming to a standstill as his eyes landed on the tiny figure sitting at the far corner in horrified silence.


He thought. She looked like a little child as she cocooned herself at the corner of the wine cellar with her arms around her body as if she was cold.

Her face was sweaty and shiny and her tiny flowery dress and grey hair stuck to her skin.

"Miss, are you okay?" Zoe asked, squatting next to her, but she did not say anything or move. "Ma'am–"

"Ants!" Logan barged into the cellar, much to Zoe's dismay as she pressed her lips together and cussed.

"Logan, I told you to stay outside," she complained as he pushed her aside and sat next to Antonina.

"Ants," he called gently and held her arm. She looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. "Hey, it's okay, you are okay." He pulled her into a comforting hug.

"They killed them," she sobbed into his chest. "They killed them, they murdered the Monteros and Mendozas–" she rambled on before her body went limp in his arms.

"Ants? Ants, are you okay?" Logan asked in panic as he gently lifted her head from his chest. "Antonina? Zoe call the paramedics!" He yelled.

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