Chapter Thirteen: The Show

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"Hello Achenson High School, It's that time of the year again where you have nominated students for Homecoming King and Queen!" The loud speaker announces.

I never cared for Homecoming king and queen. I always thought it was a superficial popularity contest that means nothing. I really could care less about being a part of that. I always just vote for Shannon every year and she does the same for me.

"Now it's time to announce this year's nominees! For homecoming king, we have... Pat Sacco, Tyler Kieck, and Ben Dunwiturzhit (He's foreign). And for Homecoming queen, we have Sydkne Carmichael, Hadley Mendes, and y/n. Please place your votes in the main office by the end of the week for your winners."

Did I get nominated? This has to be a mistake? I sit in my seat shocked at what just transpired. Why would anyone nominate me? I am just a normal shy girl who is dating her teacher.

The bell rings and I leave the homeroom and head to my locker. People are congratulating me in the halls. People know who I am? This is all so weird. I look down at the floor until I get to my locker. Shannon and James are waiting for me with big smiles on their faces. I haven't seen the two of them smile together since before the pregnancy.

"Congrats on getting nominated. I had to pull a couple of strings with the football team to make it happen but congrats." James smiles.

"Why!? Would!? You!? Do!? That!?" I scream at him.

"Calm down. He thought it would be nice for you to finally be recognized...People already know who you are cause you got the lead remember. Everyones excited to see you." Shannon chimes in.

I am so nervous. I don't wanna be queen. That is not me. I am just a shy girl who sucks my teacher off. I wanna live in my own world.

"Oh this is all too much. I have to go to class." I storm off. Trying to ignore the stares from everyone. I make it to class but can only think about how I want this day to be over.

The day drags on slow but Harry always makes me feel better. I just wait to see him for our class then for dress rehearsal.

I sit through the next four classes patiently waiting for music class. The fourth period bell rings. I finally have somewhat of a smile on. I walk into his class to see Harry smiling at me.

"Congrats on the nomination. Didn't know you were miss popular."

"Stop. I don't even want to be a part of this, I just want to focus on the show and that's it." I sigh loudly.

"Well, you can always focus on something else if you want" he says with a smirk.

He always knows how to make me smile. I think about sucking his gigantic cock and sit in my seat.

This class goes on but I can only think about him pounding my pussy.

We leave class and I head to the rest of my boring classes. I make it through and finally make it to the end of the day.

"Phew. That felt like it would never end." I say to myself.

I walk to get my belongings and head to the auditorium. Sydkne is walking out of the door as I walk in. There are bruises visible on her arm and she has a black eye.

"Congrats on being nominated." She says sincerely. "I really wish you luck. I think I am gonna drop out of the race. I have been having a lot of issues at home, but good luck."

I don't have a chance to respond with anything but a thank you before she walks away.

I head inside and go to my dress rehearsal. Harry is kinda stressed so we don't have a lot of time to talk.

He also doesn't make it over tonight. He was preparing things for the play and making sure props and backgrounds were all ready to go.

The rest of the week goes pretty fast. I made it through Wednesday's classes and dress rehearsal and now it's the opening night of the show.

I go through my day like any other. People keep coming up telling me how they are excited to see the show tonight. I hope I do well. I wanna make everyone happy. Especially Mr. Styles.

The day goes on and as it begins to get closer to the show. My heart begins beating faster and faster. I'm getting so excited. I have practiced for so long this is my time to let everyone see what I'm made of.

I head to the auditorium after school to start setting up and helping with lighting. Me and the cast run through our lines and prepare.

Harry walks in.

He looks amazing. He's wearing an eccentric silver suit. His pants are so tight you can see the outline of his massive wanker.

"Are you excited to finally be Ariel?"

"More than you'll ever know I smile at him."

The time comes around to begin getting in place. The audience is in their seats. It's quiet in the theatre. The only thing I can hear is my beating heart. I feel a warm touch on my hand. Our fingers interlock. I look up to see Harry. "Break a leg." He says with a wink.

I head out into my spot on the stage. The curtain rises. The music begins to play. I feel my heart beating out of my chest. I look off stage and make eye contact with Harry. I blank. I can't think of my lines. I see Harry mouthing them to me. The music loop backs to help me again. I begin sweating. The only thing I have in my head right now is a different song.

I look at him and start singing the only thing I know how. 'Earned it' by TheWeeknd. I belt the chorus so loud. I make eye contact with Harry at the sexual parts. I can't see anyones face in the crowd. I know they are loving it no matter what.

The song finally ends and I head off stage.

"What the fuck was that?" Harry screams.

"I'm sorry. I blanked. Let me make it up to you at intermission." I wink at him and head back on stage for the next scene.

The show continues until intermission with every song sung correctly.

"I head to Harry. I am sorry about before but I'll make it better." I grab him and bring him into his classroom. I lock the door behind him and begin to work my magic. 

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