clarity (chapter 13 )

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I clenched my jaw and straightened my posture, I took a deep breath and...


Hizashi's face was painted with remourse.

"Go home." I said calm and collected, I took a deep breath

"y/n i..."

"I SAID. GO. FUCKING.HOME." without another word Hizashi turned and left with his tail tightly tucked between his legs.

Aizawa walked up to me and stood in front of me.

The air was cold but the atmosphere between us was colder.

Aizawa went to hug me before I stopped him

"You should go." i said in a soft voice looking down

Aizawa didn't question me. He nodded, rubbed my arm in a comforting way and just left. that was the best thing he could've done but also the worst thing. it made it so hard for me to not grab him and ask him to stay, but that would've been a terrible idea.

I walked into my house feeling ashamed and also a little relieved. I was about to do something I wasn't ready for. I was blinded by my... lust... towards Aizawa but I'm not ready. After what did, I'm not ready.

I walked into the bathroom in my house and just stared at the mirror. My hair was so long... I used to hate my quirk so much...

Whenever I got really sad or angry my hair would grow without any warning. And when I was happy flowers would bloom around me and in my hair, it would produce a trail behind me of blooming flowers but when I was upset dead weeds would grow. to make matters worse, if I was really depressed i could even produce monsters. I didn't know I could do that until I was with him. that one time I almost died.

flash back

I was sitting on a bench after i had just had an argument with Riku and before I knew it a great ball of vines appeared behind me. I gave it life, it consumed me before I could do anything. I remember feeling safe for the first time in a long time... I felt so relaxed that I ended up passing out. I woke up 3 days later in the hospital. I read the stories in the newspapers and on the news about how 'THE GREAT RIKU SAVES HIS CRAZY LOVED ONE!' or "INSANE MODEL Y/N TRIES TO KILL HERSELF BEFORE HEROIC RIKU SAVES HER. THIS IS WHY WE NEED REAL HEROES"

end flashback

Thinking about all of this was just making my hair grow longer. I got so mad and lost control before I knew it. I had shot a long vine from my hands straight for the large mirror in front of me.

i watched as a million glass shards shattered before me. A big piece landed on the counter in front of me. I picked it up and looked at my reflection in the mirror piece, I had lost my spark, I could tell i looked dull and for someone who can create things and give them life, I was lacking a little life myself. It was so sharp it was cutting into the hand holding onto it, I didn't even notice. I lifted my hand and just cut.

My hair fell to the floor. I cut all my hair off just under my ears.

I looked into the glass shard and I looked... fresh and I liked it... but i wanted to be as different as possible. I got up and ran a shower. I did the full detox. Face masks, shaving, I did my eyebrows, whitened my teeth and then it was my wardrobes turn. I went in there and I just started putting clothes in a bag.

Any piece of clothing that didn't make me feel beautiful is either donated to charity or used as pj's. I went online and bought new clothes that showed me off and made me feel confident. I should've done this ages ago.

I was searching through my cupboards and under my sink getting rid of anything I didn't need. I came across some silver hair dye.

I think you can guess what I did next.

When I woke up the next day. I felt awesome and I looked at it. My hair was sexy as fuck! I was sexy as fuckkkkk. for the first time in a LONG time, i felt good about myself without the help of other people. Aizawa made me feel good, he made me feel like a million dollars and i couldn't be more thankful to him but this is the first timein a long time i made MYSELF feel worthy! it felt great, i felt like me.

I got ready for work and as I was walking out my house I saw a beautiful yellow flower in my hair, i hadn't seen that colour in a long time. I walked out the door feeling great. I didn't want to hide my quirk anymore. Not from anyone. I wanted to do what made me happy.


hopefully, this explains her quirk a little better, the colour of flowers that bloom can represent her feelings that's why yellow that represents happiness was really rare for her to see.

Until next time xXx

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