IDIOT chapter 29

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Waking up my body felt cold and alone, the hairs on my body stood on end as everything felt a little off. I reached my hand over to the other side of the bed trying to find the sleeping body of Shota but instead i was greeted with the cold empty side of the sheets. He must have been gone for hours. I rolled onto my stomach an lifter myself up by the elbows grabbing my phone.

This idiot. I sent him straight to sleep last night because of his fever and now he's out doing god knows what!

My phone shone with two notifications from the grumpy man.


< morning

<I'm at school finishing                                                                                                                       Some marking.                                                                                                                                                      read

This idiot. I got out of bed and did my usual routine trying not to get too pissed at him while i put on some natural makeup and trimmed my hair which was getting longer and longer the more annoyed i got at him.

"What was he thinking? He had a high fever yesterday and instead of taking care of himself like a GROWN UP he is going into work earlier than before and who's gonna have to take care of him when he gets really ill? ME. ugh i mean i don't not like taking care of him but i don't like to see him ill." i shout at my reflection in the mirror while i grab my keys and walk out the door.

Time skip.

The sound of my shoes echoing down the hallway built up more tension. I landed in front of UA and i watched as this idiot graded papers at a desk, head resting on his hand as he ruffled his hair scribbling away with his red pen.

I opened the door slowly as to not alarm the already sleep deprived teacher.

"y/n what are you doing he...ooph"

Before he could say anything i had wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head to my shoulder.

I pushed his forehead against mine and felt it was still warm, better than yesterday but still not fully recovered.

"aizawa what do you thinky you are doing?!" I said standing up putting my hands on my hips.

Startled by me using his last name he knew he was in trouble.

"I had some papers to grade"


"What do you mean 'no'"

"I mean NO, you are not doing this to yourself, you should have called in sick and taken care of yourself. You could have easily asked me to help you, I could have graded your papers for you and let you rest!" i sigh looking down at the teacher as he averts his gaze "honey, give me your lesson plan, go home and don't get out of bed until i get home"

"i can't there is too much to do" was all he said before returning to work

"baby i can do it please go home or to my place and get some rest" i ran a hand through his hair about to kiss his forehead but he shifted away.


"i'm fine. you go home"  he said it so abruptly like he was irritated by me.

"look, i'm just tyring to look out for you, i'm here to help you and i think you need to get better and not keep pushing yourself" i said this as soft as possible trying to keep the mood light

"well i never asked for your help or for you to look out for me so you might aswell leave"

that's it. " fine you don't want my help, I'll go. do whatever you want."

and with that i left, not bothering to look back and slamming the door. WHAT IS WITH HIM? He's been acting so strange recently! the students began to come into school now so i went to the brake room as i had 15 mins before my lesson would start with aizawa.

sitting there swirling my coffee around in my cup i was so lost in thought i didn't hear Yamada come in.

"earth to y/n"

"Y..Yamada hi" i stammered "sorry got a little lost in my brain there"

"hahah yeah i could tell, you looked kinda... mad"

"I'M NOT MAD" shit "i mean... can you pretend i said that not shouting"

"i can try? what's got you so worked up?"

i was mad but would talking to Yamada help? i mean I'm still not sure where we stand... can i talk to him about Aizawa?

"oh it's nothing don't worry" i lauhged off

"c'mon y/n i know you better than that"

"Aizawa and i kinda got into a fight"

"Aizawa wow you must really be mad" he laughed "what'd he do?"

"He's not taking care of himself then when I tried to help him he was a bitch about it!"

"Yeah sounds like him to not take care of himself but he doesn't usually get mad when people offer to help"

I rested my head on my palm "yeah I don't know what's been going on lately but he's been acting so off with me. One minute he is the normal shota and the next he is trying to create distance between us"

"That's really weird. I would offer to talk to him about it but I don't think he would talk to me. Our relationship hasn't been the same in a while lol" he brushed over scratching the back of his head

"Yeah I understand don't worry, I'll talk to him and find out what's going on but I have class now so I'll see you soon" I gave Yamaha's shoulder a gentle pat before walking out


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