dinner (chapter 10 )

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The restaurant was lovely,  all the waitresses and waiters wore beautiful suits and dresses as they tended to your needs with a smile.

The whole place smelt amazing. We sat down and ordered a bottle of wine.

"How do you like working at UA?" he asked

"I love it!  It's even better than i imagined and the experience of working here  is honestly like no other" I responded after swallowing my food

"I'm glad you like it"

"And you?"

"I like it there too. When the kids aren't being brats," he responded 

"Nah you put up a strong act but rumor has it  you actually care about those kids."

He coughed and tried changing the subject "on another note I've been wanting to ask you something for a while now."

"Oh no... should i be worried" i put on a mischievous look

"Only if you've got something to hide" he shot me a look that i'd only seem heroes wear when they were interrogating a villain.

"ah so i should be nervous," i said laughing

"so you have something to hide?" he questioned taking a sip of his wine without breaking eye contact 

"everyone has secrets Aizawa. Some may be more dangerous than others but everyone has them"

he narrowed his eyes at me, a smile tugging on his lips.

"What's your hero name?"

"Hmmm.... i think it will be more fun to watch you figure it out."

He groaned in a low tone making me shift in my seat.

"Do you like tormenting me like this?" he said looking mad but giving off a playful aura

"Hmmm not usually but i find you particularly amusing to tease" i simply stated taking another bite of my food.

He just smiled and looked at his food.

"Did you do something to your hair?" he asked

"Uhhh no why'd you ask?"

"It looks a lot longer."

"Oh it does that when..." i said giving him an indescribable look

 he paused "that has something to do with your quirk ?"

I just smiled and took another bite of my food.

"well, it looks really nice" BLUSH

The rest of the night we just talked and talked. We couldn't stop until it was closing time.

"Here you go guys have a good rest of your week," the waitress said placing the check on the table and giving Aizawa a bit too friendly of a smile while walking away shaking her hips.

It made me a little mad..... But Aizawa didn't seem to notice.

I quickly went for the check and before i could get it Aizawa snatched it and got out his wallet.

"NO " i said shaking my head " I'm trying to say thank you to you. Please... give me the check. "I held out my hand.

"This is me thanking you for a wonderful evening."

"Likewise now hand it over." i said still holding out my hand

"Never" he grabbed my hand and gave it a kiss on the back. My cheeks flushed red...

And before i knew it he had already paid and we were walking out the door.

"Wait what... Aizawa!"

"C'mon ill give you a ride home. I think you had like half a glass more than me and i don't trust you."

"Aizawa c'mon I'm fine."

"Hand them over," he said holding out his hand for the keys.

"you just want to drive my awesome car don't you!" ;)

he simply smiled 

"Fine,"i said and as i was handing them over i took his hand in mine and kissed the back of it . I winked before walking towards the car.

 Snapping out of his daze he ran over and opened the door for me.

I smiled "thank you so much Aizawa, you're the only person i know who even opens doors for people anymore."

He just nodded and closed the door behind him. I could tell he was still a bit dazed from the surprise kiss. How cute.

you are everything I wanted ( Aizawa Shota x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now