hand to hand (chapter 30)

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be norma, be normal, be normal

was all i could think as i stood outside the door to 1A's homeroom annoyance settling in.

it was supposed to be my class now but i asked Shota to sub in to demonstrate some hand-to-hand combat moves as i didn't really want to accidentally hurt the inexperienced kids by demonstrating on them and aizawas quirk meant his combat was one of his main weapons. What a mistake that was...

Just be normal. Like nothing happened, for the kids.

i opened the door and walked straight in, greeting the students and formally greeting Aizawa.

"thank you again Aizawa sensei" i greeted bowing a little.

"yeah" was all he said as he walked to the corner of the classroom and leaned agains the door.

don't let it get to you DON'T LET IT GET TO YOU!

"okay class we're gonna head down to the gym and Aizawa sensei and myself will be demonstrating a few hand to hand combat moves"

We made our way down not making eye contact with the sluggish teacher dragging his feet behind me. Hearing his footsteps echoing down the hall.

i stood in front of the class with Aizawa next to me on the soft mats while the class sat in rows watching.

"all alright class this is called the 'Ashi Barai' very simple move used to incapacitate an unarmed attacker quickly, leaving you standing up and able to get away."

i looked at aizawa and as infuriated as i was with him, the idea of him getting more hurt wasn't the best feeling "are you ready? i know you still might not be recovered from your fever so you don't have to do this" i wispered

"just get on with it" blunt SO BLUNT

i could feel my hair growing and growing down my back as my annoyance did the same.

without another word i grabbed his arm, pulled him towards me and swiped my feet from underneath him causing him to roll and land on the ground lying flat on his back.

"Remember guys this isn't to hurt the attacker it's to give you a way of escaping."

Aizawa merely stood up and resumed the same position as before

"okay now this one is Ashi Barai. this one is designed to hurt the attacker but using minimal amount of force."

i grabbed Aizawa's arm bringing him towards me and did the action of kneeing someone in the stomach but obviously didn't actually hit him. He just stood up straight and smirked at me..... is he laughing at my skill?

i gritted my teeth but merely continued

"Finally there is the nidan tobi geri. this is is a double kick to someones head and stomach or both kicks to their stomach which, if done right, will leave you standing up and the attacker incapacitated."

i stepped back and went to pretend kick Aizawa but he caught my feet and i tumbled to the ground. it didn't hurt as i caught myself.

"what the hell?!" i belted out

"i thought they could use some visuals of how to stop this attack" he smirked AGAIN!

" okay but you could have warned me and that wouldn't have worked if I was actually trying to hurt you," i said standing up now

"then try me, I'll stop it"

i was about to when i remembered he was still sick and again my soft alter ego meant even tho he was being a pain in the ass i wasn't going to fight him.

"no, you're still sick and i don't want any more injuries on my watch"

"afraid you can't beat me even when your attacker is sick? well that's ashame because attackers don't tend to listen to their victims when they say 'no'"

he lunged at me with full force trying to punch me. i dodged, him barely missing my cheek and wrapped my hair around his arm pulling him towards me.


"too bad" was all he said before grabbing my arm with his other hand and doing the Ashi Barai on me. i jumped onto my hands backward and landed flat on the ground. i was MAD now and  had enough. I lunged forwards aiming to go underneath his, now swinging, arm and grab him by the back of his shirt throwing him around and tossing him onto the mat, i had been absorbing small amounts of energy from the earth beneath the ground for a while and was about to 'shoot' it at him when he erased my quirk, all of that energy LOST. most of my quirks were too big to do in a sports hall with children around so i had to rely mostly on hand-to-hand combat which I'm afraid to admit he was a little better at and had more experience.

he shot towards me and kneed me right in the stomach causing me to flip and i kicked him in his face. we tumbled away from each other and got up on separate sides of the huge mat.

"ENOUGH AIZAWA!" i shouted standing up "I'm done fighting with you" i walked towards the class and as i was doing that i saw me running up in the position of nidan tobi geri i saw it coming but i stayed still, he wouldn't hurt me. He got so close but in the last second, he saw i wasn't going to react and threw himself away from me causing him to tumble and collapse against the concrete wall.

"Shota!" i called out running over to him. He got up and looked at me with a look as if to say sorry. he got up and merely walked out of the hall saying "i've gotta go"

remember you're a teacher and there are kids here "alright guys get into pairs and practice these simple hand-to-hand combat skills. try to come up with variations of it and mix them with other skills i've taught you before"

what is this man doing?

you are everything I wanted ( Aizawa Shota x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora