interview (chapter 4)

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Aizawas pov

A job here? She was gonna get a job here.... That means she is a pro hero. But which one?

Before I knew it I was standing in front of Nezus' door and  knocking

"Come in" Nezu called

"Hello Nezu, I was wondering if I could talk to you about y/n?"

"You can ask but some stuff is confidential but I will answer what I can and to the best of my ability."

"What is her hero name?"

"I'm afraid I can't answer that, she has the right to reveal her name, not me."

"Okay well... do you think you're gonna hire her?"

y/n pov

I think the interview went well and the way Aizawa just took the blame without thinking about it.. How sweet of him.

Oh wait I just remembered the form I submitted when I applied for the job, I put down an email address but I got a new one because the other got hacked .... I don't even know. Ugh I better go back.

I walked back to Nezus' office but as I was walking down the hallway I heard Aizawa and Nezu talking..... About me? No way.

Should I wait until they are done... am I eavesdropping... no, I need to go and tell Nezu about my email address. I continued to walk down the hallway but I could still hear them and I don't think they knew I was there

"Yes, I am considering giving her a job.... She is very qualified and seems like a good asset to our team" Nezu said as i heard a squeak from his chair as he leaned back "why.. Is there a reason I shouldn't give her the job?"

"No there isn't I was just gonna say that I think she would be a great teacher too," Aizawa responded

I was still walking down the hallway... man, this was a long hallway...

"Oh, I'm guessing you two know each other out of school. Well, I know how much you love the kids and you would only come and tell me this if you really thought she was a good teacher so its good to know that she has your stamp of approval, I can't see why I wouldn't hire her then."

"Good thank you Nezu"

"No problem, bye," he said as Aizawa walked out the door.  he began to walk away but i may have BREATHED a little too loud because he heard me a whipped his head around 

"oh Aizawa hi... sorry i just needed to tell Nezu.... uhmm that well when I signed up here I accident..." before i could finish my sentence aizawa had already started walking away from me

oh.. shit

I knocked again on Nezus' door and I gave him my correct email he thanked me and I left again.

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