All is right in the world (chapter 25)

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I woke up the next day to the gentle sounds of glasses and shuffling in the kitchen. The sun peaked through the blinds and shone delicately on the shirtless body of Shota Aizawa. His stubble rubbing against my chest as his hands carressed the sides of my waste.

I ran my hands through his shady hair and admired the way a few strands emmited a deep red in the sunlight. I kissed the top of his head and lay there feeling blessed that I was one of the only people he would let this close. I ran my long nails up and down his smooth, softback, circling every scar and muscle that inhabited his skin elicitng a light grumble and a modest smile appear on his lips. His body put together so elegantly. Before i could continue swooning over my baby's body the sounds from the kitchen caught my attention again.

I ever so gently slipped out from underneath Aizawa causing a grunt and frown from his unconscious face. I slipped on one of his t-shirts and a pair of my cycling shorts before tying my TOO long hair in a ponytail picking out the flowers from it and placing them in Shotas hair before walking towards the kitchen.

"Well hello stranger" i cooed walking up to the blond-haired man cleaning my kitchen.

"Good morning" he replied with a smile.

The sunlight shone in through the windows so beautifully illuminating my black and white kitchen. Everything felt euphoric.

I walked up to Yamada and placed my hand on his arm. He turned to look at me with a questioning look. I stood on my tippy toes and wrapped my arms around his neck placing my chin on his shoulder.

Yamadas pov

"well hello stranger" she smiled 

" good morning" i replied 

I continued washing the dishes from the previous evening while the bacon sizzled in the pan. i suddenly felt a small soft hand on my arm. I turned to look at her and before I could say anything I was being engulfed in a hug by this tiny 5,4ft person. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around her petite waste, slightly picking her up off the ground. She smelt amazing, like flowers. I rubbed her back a little in meagar circles before I heard her whisper in my ear.

"yamada, I'm so glad you and I can be friends"

For once hearing that she and I could only be friends was actually good. it was like I was being completely shut down in the nicest way. the door was forever closed and although that idea is sad it is also freeing, I felt like I could finally move on.  

"we will always be friends Y/n." i slightly pulled away from the hug and cupped her face with one of my hands. She stared up at me with a gentle smile on her face. I noticed a small flower in her hair. 'oh so that's where the smell was coming from' i thought. i picked up out the flower and handed it to her.

"hold on you got something in your hair"

"oh thanks" she looked down at the flower and then back at me. slowly she reached up and pushed a bunch of my hair behind my ear and rested the flower on top of it.

This little act made me want to cry. The way I hurt her. The things I said to her were horrific and yet this perfect girl is standing in front of me having gone through so much and is still only looking at me with kindness.

"y/n.." i started before i saw the dark figure in the corner of my eye emerge from the hallway. i quickly took a step back and gave shota a genuine smile.

"good morning shota"

"hello Yamada" for once there actually wasn't any coldness in his voice ( well no more than usual Aizawa)

y/n pov

I'm so glad Yamada and i are back to being us. finally.

I staired at his big blue eyes and saw a hint of sadness.

"y/n," he said but his facial expression changed and he looked up behind me.

"good morning Shota" he said stepping away from me and attending to his crispy bacon.

"hello Yamada" 

I whipped my head around to see Shota standing there with a hand running through his hair as the flowers fell to the floor. 

i ran up to him and gave him a hug. The air seemed a little thinner over here.

"good morning my love," i said running my hands up his chest and hanging them around his neck. He gave me a smile and kissed my lips delicately. "good morning kitten" that pet name gave me the reassurance that he wasn't mad. maybe a little shocked to see us all buddy-buddy like that but I know he trusted me.

Yamada plated the bacon with eggs and a bagel on 2 plates and brought it over to the table. the aroma of freshly cooked food filling the air.

"here you go, guys. don't worry I've already eaten" he said as he walked to pick up his jacket." I hope it's okay" 

"you're leaving?" i said grabbing a glass of water as aizawa stared at his food mouth-watering 

"yeah I think I'm gonna go back to my own bed and try sleep off this handover a little more."

"oh okay well thank you so much for the food. Get home safe," i said walking back to Shota

"I'll see you soon Yamada" Shota said giving him a warm nod.

"thank's it was fun, cya later."

'click' door closed

i handed Aizawa the water in hopes it would help with his minor hangover, but he had different plans. he grabbed my wrist holding the water and kissed the hand, taking  the water and  placing it on the table he swiftly pulled me into his lap.

"Sh...Shota?" I said shaken by the sudden movements.

"I need cuddles to get over this hangover"  he pleaded nuzzling his unshaven chin into my neck.

i laughed and leant over and grabbed my own plate of food from the other side of the small table. We began eating with me still sat on my lap. Me feeding him my eggs (cause I didn't like them and him feeding me the bacon that he didn't like. )

you know how they say that in every perfect couple one of them loves olives and the other one hates them, well in Shota and our case he loves eggs and I love the bacon :)


sorry if you don't like bacon or like eggs I tried to change it so that you could insert whatever you liked for  breakfast (like f/b 'favourite breakfast' or something) but it made it super complicated so I ended up doing this. also if you're vegetarian then it was vegetarian bacon (fake bacon) (I'm a veg so i actually eat that lol) 

anyways stay safe lovelies 

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