late night drive (chapter 11)

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It was just us... driving in the hallucinatory blackness.

I sat there lying back, the window blowing in the fresh, and surprisingly warm, autumn air. My hair felt amazing. I was in a utopia. I looked over at Aizawa sitting next to me. Staring straight at the road one hand on the driving wheel the other rested on the gear stick. The lights from the road flew past like golden birds.

"hey... " i said looking over at him "Thank you"

he paused "For what?" Aizawa asked glancing in my direction long enough for me to see how handsome he looked in the moonlight. The reflection of the crescent moon in his eyes. His chiseled jawline... and perfect soft lips.

"For everything..." i reached out and put my hand on top of his on the gear stick. He grabbed my hand in his and rested them on his lap, fingers intertwined.

He smiled and took one last look at me before muttering under his breath "there's nothing i wouldn't do for you"

he was about to pull up in front of my house when i felt some sadness creep in.

"can we keep on driving for a bit, one more time around the block?"

he nodded without questioning and kept on driving.

I looked over at him and clicked on a button that got rid of the roof of my car. The streets were empty and Aizawa was just cruising down a road so I took off my seatbelt and sat on top of my headrest.

The breeze felt amazing on my skin.... i put my hands in the air... it felt like i was flying. I looked down to see Aizawa staring up at me... He had puppy dog eyes .. God so fucking cute!

i sat back down and he placed a hand on my leg.. he took a deep breath and smiled just a little bit gently rubbing his thumb in little circles.

after about 20 minutes we were back at my house.

he got out the car and walked round to open my door for me. 

"thank you Aizawa" i said giving him a sweet smile

i slipped my hand in his and interlocked our fingers. i walked him up to my white staircase to my front door.

"do you wanna come in?" my heart was thumping in my chest he took a step forward and placed a light kiss on my cheek

i stood up on my tiptoes and kissed him. His lips were so soft i was about to pull away when he put his hand in my hair and the other fell to my waist deepening the kiss. my hands snaking their way to his neck...

"ill take that as a yes, "I said breaking the kiss and walking in pulling him in by his shirt.  He didn't seem to mind by the look on his face.

"STOP" i heard a familiar voice call out

you are everything I wanted ( Aizawa Shota x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now