S.S.S: Peter Parker

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"Alright. I'll watch her. When do you leave?" She looked at the calendar. "Tomorrow." Peter looked wide eyes. "A-alright then. I'll tell tony I won't be able to come to the internship." He said thinking about his time schedule.

She hummed in response. They finished washing the dishes and peter went to bed as may finished packing. When he woke up the next day he was greeted by his alarm waking him up early. He looked at the time and it read 6 a.m but he usually didn't get up til 7 a.m to be out the door by 7:45.

He walked to the kitchen to see a stack of cash and a note. 'Hey peter. Sorry about your alarm waking you up early. My flight left earlier Than expected and I needed you up to wake up Addie and get her ready for school. There should be about 5k in cash. That should be enough to last you guys for groceries and 5 days out to eat. Please have Addie to school by 7:50 everyday. Don't forget to pick her up and be home ON TIME. No spidermanning on school nights and be careful.
                    Love you lots,

Peter read the note and nodded. He went back to his room and showered and got dressed. When he looked at the clock it was 6:47 and he made some breakfast and woke up Addie at 7. He got her dressed and helped her brush her teeth then took her downstairs for breakfast. When she was don't eating it was 7:35 so he told her to pack up her school bag and meet him by the door.

They left the house at 7:39 and got her to school at 7:47 and he got to school at 7:58 which was the earliest he has ever gotten to school. (His school starts at 8:05). When he got to school he went to his locker where Wade, his boyfriend, was waiting.

"Hey babe your early." I sighed and nodded. "May is out of town so I've got to take care of Addie, which means getting her to school on time and making breakfast and no internship or Spider-Man." Wade nodded.

"Well if you want we could come over and help out. I'll ask my mom if I can stay over so that your not stressing yourself out." He offered. "Thank you wade. How the hell did I get so lucky to have an amazing boyfriend like you."

"I'm the lucky one." The bell rang and they made their way to class. Throughout the whole day his friends offered to help. They all talked about different ways they could help.

MJ said since she's always up and to school early for art she would drop off some breakfast. Ned and Miles said they would come over and help entertain her after school so they could all take turns doing homework. Gwen said she would come over to help take her bath. Wade said he would stay over to help where he can.

Peter had never been more thankful for his friends ever in his life. Throughout the week they kept this going and it sort of became a routine That they had down by Wednesday. May would call in check in every other day and had promise her "babysitters club" as she called them a trip to Washington to see their favorite museums.

After a week peter had forgotten about the avengers and was closer to his sister than he had been in months. May had called and said she needed to stay longer because they patient they were treating spread the disease throughout a while hospital floor so they had to treat all of them.

Peter wasn't mad. He got permission from Mr.Harrington to take Addison to decathlon practice and everyone, even flash, loved the little sunshine. She learned some new things and she enjoyed it and peter got to keep his little sister happy so he was happy. It was a win win. Life was all around good and balanced for peter.

Meanwhile at the tower

"Have any of you seen peter lately?" Tony asked walking Into the common room. "No. Why?" Nat said getting a little worried for her baby spider. "He hasn't been around for about a month and he isn't answering his cell."

Avengers oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora