Chapter 15

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Thursday 19th of December

"Come on San, I don't want to be late." Brittany called out into the apartment.

"I'm coming!" Santana replied as she jogged out of the bedroom towards the front door clutching her bag.

"Wanky." Brittany muttered under her breath. The girls make eye contact and giggled. Santana's catch phrase lived on after high school and remained an inside joke for the couple.

They locked up the apartment and set out into the city of New York. Today they planned to make some important decisions about their wedding. They already bought dresses separately and agreed to keep them a secret until the big day.

They sat in their car. Santana pulled out of the parking lot as Brittany read out their agenda for the day.

"First thing is our meeting with Kurt to decide on a colour scheme." Brittany announced.

"Okay, to Kurt's apartment." Santana said as she drove off.


They arrived at Kurt and Blaine's apartment and were greeted by Kurt at the door.

"Let's get straight into it ladies." He said as they took a seat at the table. In front of them were several pieces of card, each a different colour. He brought them each a cup of tea and sat opposite them. "I figure that with these you can see what different combinations will look like."

"That's great Kurt, thank you." Brittany said with a smile.

"No pink." Santana said clearly. "I'm letting you know now that I'm not having pink as one of the colours."

"That's okay babe. I wasn't even going to suggest it, I know the past you have with that colour." Brittany reassured her.

"Thank you." Santana replied softly with a smile.

They each picked up coloured cards at random (always leaving out pink) to try out different colour schemes.

"How about this?" Brittany asked. She held the lavender and cream coloured cards together.

"It's pretty but a little overdone. Everyone uses lavender." Santana said, turning it down.

"This?" Santana asked holding red and green up.

"Seems a bit Christmassy..." Brittany told her.

"Good point." Santana agreed.

"Orange and black?" Brittany asked, holding up the cards. The girls looked at the combination and at the same time said "Halloween." "I can see that now." Brittany said as she dropped the cards back onto the table.

"This is hard." Santana said.

"Really hard." Brittany agreed.

"Hmm." Kurt said, looking at the array of colours in front of him and thinking.

"What are your favourite colours?" He asked.

"Red." Santana replied.

"Yellow." Brittany replied.

He picked up the two colours just mentioned. "They look a little weird together but if we add orange.." he picked up the orange card and slotted it in the middle. "I'd say that looks good."

"Really good." Brittany agreed.

"Perfect." Santana added. "The warmer colours look nice and our honeymoon is in Mexico so it's quite fitting really."

"So you like it?" Kurt asked. "Red, orange and yellow, are those the colours for you wedding?"

"I think they are." Brittany said.

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