Chapter 13

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Friday 22nd of November

Santana had been working hard and needed to have some fun so they had planned to go out to Puck's bar.

"Hey Q." Santana answered her phone. She walked around the apartment aimlessly as she spoke to her childhood friend.

"Hi San, are we still going to Puck's tonight?"

"Yep, I need to relieve some tension and I feel like getting drunk will do the trick." She teased.

"Good! Is Britt coming too?"

"Yeah, she never turns down a chance to dance."

"Very true."

"Is man hands- I mean Rachel coming?" Santana asked.

"Yes she is. You'd have thought that after all these years you'd get used to using her real name but apparently 'man hands' has stuck." Quinn laughed.

"I'm sorry Q, it's permanently engraved in my mind. Is anyone else coming tonight?"

"I think Blaine and Kurt might make a guest appearance but only briefly, they have plans later." Quinn replied.

Brittany walked through the door with grocery bags on each arm. Santana greeted her with a kiss and a smile before continuing her phone call.

"I hope we get to meet Becca tonight." Santana said.

"Becca? Who's that?"

"Remember, Puck's girlfriend. The woman who changed Puck into a tolerable human being."

"Oh yeah!" Quinn remembered. "I want to meet this magical lady and find out how she changed him." They teased.

"Do you need a lift tonight?" Quinn offered.

"No thanks, I'm going to get pretty drunk and B wants a few drinks too so we'll take a cab." She declined politely.

"Okay. Rach just got home so I've got go, I'll see you tonight."

"Bye Q." Santana said as she hung up the phone. She walked into the kitchen to find Brittany putting away the groceries. "Hey sexy." She greeted the blonde with a kiss.

"Hi." Brittany beamed. "I picked up some more of that coffee blend you love, I know you were running out."


"So what's the plan for tonight?"

"Well." Santana replied. "Get ready in a minute and go to Puck's. Quinn and Rach are going with us and Kurt and Blaine are going to stop by briefly."

"Oh good, I haven't seen them in a while." Brittany said as she finished unpacking and put the bags away.

They made their way into the bathroom and got ready to go out.


Brittany wore blue overalls with a black crop top. Her hair was braided. She wore white converse so she could dance.

Santana wore a tight fitting dress and her signature leather jacket. Her hair was in a high pony and she wore black flats.

They locked up the apartment and caught a cab. The ride wasn't too far so the cab didn't cost much.

When they arrived, the atmosphere was already buzzing. Puck's bar had received great success and was an up and coming hot spot. The bar looked different to when they last saw it; the tables had been removed to create a large space for a dance floor. The bar had plenty of stools for the guests.

"Hey guys!" Puck called from the bar. The girls walked over and took a seat opposite him.

"This place is great!" Brittany complimented.

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