Chapter 7

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Author's note: this is a short, filler chapter.


Saturday 28th of September

"Brittany!" Santana shouted again but got no response. She walked out of their bedroom and into the lounge where Brittany was curled up on the sofa, wrapped in a blanket burrito.

"Babe you really need to get dressed, we've got lots to do today." She instructed. Mercedes' tour was starting next week so both the girls had been working hard. That meant that they had eaten takeout all week and fell far behind on their laundry.

"Okay. You're right." Brittany admitted as she stood up and untangled herself from the blanket. She took her girlfriend in her arms and gave her a kiss. When Santana started kissing back, she slipped her hand under her shirt and began roaming over the tan skin underneath.

Santana quickly pulled back. "B, as much as I want to do this, we can't. Once we start, we won't be able to stop and then the whole day escapes us. We need to tidy the apartment, do some laundry and go grocery shopping. Once we've done all that, then we can get our sweet lady kisses on."

Brittany nodded in agreement and released Santana from her hold. She folded the blanket and laid it over the back of the couch.

"Also pick up your clothes off the floor." Santana instructed.

"Why? You're the one who took them off and put them there!" Brittany quipped back with a wink. She walked away swaying her hips.

Santana was left smiling in the living room as she remembered the evening before. She shook her head and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes while Brittany showered and got ready.


"I've got the dirty washing" Brittany stated as she entered the kitchen with a basket. "Are you ready to go downstairs?" She asked.

In their apartment building, on the bottom floor was a laundry room equipped with washing machines and tumble driers. The girls always used that room to save money on buying their own appliances.

"Yep, let me just dry my hands." Santana replied as she placed the last dish on the drying rack. She dried her hands on the towel and left the apartment with Brittany following closely behind her. They rode the elevator down to the bottom floor and entered the laundry room.

"I think we have enough for two loads." Brittany stated. They filled two washing machines with their dirty clothes and set them on a quick wash.

"Now we wait." Santana said bluntly as she sat on the counter in the room.

"I have an idea of how we can kill some time." Brittany suggested with a smile. She took the brunette by the hands and walked her to the middle of the room. She wrapped her arms around her waist and Santana's arms snakes around her neck. They began to sway to the faint music playing in the lobby next door.

The girls had always loved to dance together. It felt very intimate to them both. They were connecting in a way that included non verbal communication and that was special in their everyday lives. Brittany always lead and held Santana close to her, feeling the warmth of her body pressed against her own.

After the washing machines sung their song to tell them their clothes were clean, they transferred all their laundry into the dryers. They set them to work and stood side by side, leaning on the counter. Santana pulled out a pen and some paper.

"What do we need from the grocery store?" She asked as she set her pen to paper.

"Let's have spaghetti bolognese tonight. So we will need beef, tomatoes, spaghetti and onions." Brittany listed off. Santana wrote down the items.

The Girl I Fell In Love WithOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora