Chapter 4

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Author's Note: It's an extra long chapter today!


Saturday 24th of August

"No!" Santana groaned as her alarm clock went off at 5AM. Brittany switch the alarm off and peppered kisses all over Santana's face, the last one landed on her lips.

"Come on sleepy head." Brittany whispered in her ear. "All you have to do is move from bed to the car and then you can fall asleep again."

Brittany and Santana were heading back to Lima to see their families. It had been a few months since they visited and they were due a trip back. The drive took around 10 hours so the girls decided to get up early to avoid New York traffic.

"How about we cancel the trip and stay here in bed for the weekend?" Santana suggested, she open her eyes for the first time that morning and saw blue ones sparkling back at her.

"Sounds good." Brittany replied. Much to Santana's surprise, Brittany gave her a passionate kiss and slipped her hand under the Latina's shirt. Santana moaned into Brittany's mouth and earned a smirk back in return.

Brittany quickly removed Santana's clothes and tossed them over her shoulder. She then slipped out of bed, leaving the Latina alone.

"B! What the heck? Where are you going?" Santana questioned as she sat up in bed. The blonde started fumbling through the wardrobe. Santana laid back down with a groan before being hit in the face with a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.

"Put some clothes on, we have a long trip ahead of us." Brittany instructed before changing into her own clothes and walking downstairs.

"Ugh!" Santana groaned from the bed. "Now I'm tired and sexually frustrated!" She then slipped into her clothes and met the blonde downstairs.


Brittany climbed into the driver side of their car and Santana sat in the passenger side. Around 10 minutes into the journey, Santana was asleep under a blanket, resting her head against the window. Brittany reached over and ran her hand across her thigh a few times before focusing back on the road.

Brittany took a quick detour to Starbucks to grab a coffee for herself and a couple of muffins for breakfast for when Santana woke up. She then got back on the road and continued the journey to Lima.


The girls switched driver every couple of hours while the other one slept. Around lunch time, Brittany was back behind the wheel while she talked to the much more awake Latina.

"I'm really excited to see everyone again." Santana admitted. "It's been a while."

"It's been a couple of months and I really miss them all. I'm so excited to see everyone." Brittany agreed.

"Zoe is getting so tall, I still can't believe she's 12 already. It seems like only yesterday we were baking cookies with her and watching Disney movies." Santana reminisced.

"I know, she used to be so cute, now she's almost a teenager. She is getting tall, she not far off my height. I recon she's the same height as you now San."

"We will have to measure when we see her. She looks more and more like you every day. She's growing into a beautiful young lady." Santana said with a smile. Brittany reached over and grabbed her hand, placing a kiss on each knuckle.

"Umm Britt, you're going to wrong way." Santana stated. She tried really hard not to correct the blonde or talk down to her because she had enough of that in high school.

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