Chapter 10

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Author's note: just another filler. I need a break after the last two chapters!


Friday 1st of November

It was Friday afternoon and the girls had the day off work. With Mercedes tour going on, their workload had diminished drastically.

They were cuddling - half asleep - on the couch watching some trashy reality show. Brittany was lying on her back with Santana lying on her chest. Pale fingers traced Santana's spine slowly, lulling her into a gentle sleep. As they both closed their eyes, they were jolted awake by the ringing of a phone.

"Ugh it's mine." Santana groaned. She pushed herself off Brittany and grabbed her phone. "It's Puck." She told the blonde as she answered the phone.

Puck and Santana were still really close. He recently moved to New York and got an apartment not too far from their own. The two had a brother and sister type relationship, they hurled insults at one another but there was a deep love underneath.

"What do you want squirrel head?" Santana answered. Puck still had the same haircut as he did in high school. Santana thought it was stupid but somehow he still managed to get girls.

"Hi lespez. My bar opened last week." Puck informed her. When he moved to New York he bought an abandoned building and did it up himself and turned it into a bar. He put his heart and soul into that place and everyone wanted it to be a huge success.

"Congrats Puck. I'm happy for you." She said, genuinely.

"Alright fake boobs, don't go soft on me." He said. "But thanks. Anyway, friday is open mic night, wanna come in tonight?"

"Ugh let me check with Britt." Santana said. She heard Puck making whip noises but chose to ignore them.

"B, Puck's bar opened last week and he wants us to come in for open mic tonight. You want to go?" Santana asked as she held the phone to her shoulder.

"Ask who else is going." Brittany instructed.

Santana nodded. "Who else is going?" She asked into the phone.

"Faberry." Puck answered bluntly.

"Who the fuck is that?" The Latina asked.

"Fabray and Berry - Faberry." Puck answered as if it were obvious.

"Quinn and Rachel." She told Brittany, rolling her eyes at Puck's weird names.

Brittany's face contorted in thought for a few second before she answered "yeah, let's go!"

"Yeah Puck we will see you later." Santana said.

"Great! I'll text the address and time. See you later lespez."

"Bye Fuckerman." Santana hung up the phone and turned back to the blonde. "We should probably get ready then."

"Yeah. I was kind of looking forward to being lazy and sleeping together on the couch. I'm sure this will be fun though. I want to congratulate Puck too." Brittany expressed.

"Maybe we should shower together since we're sacrificing valuable cuddle time." Santana suggested with a raised eyebrow.

"You're just trying to get me naked. I know you too well." Brittany said as she stood up from the couch. "Last one in the shower is a rotten egg!" She shouted before running to the bathroom. Santana quickly chased her.


After getting dirty in the shower and then getting clean, the girls dried off and picked an outfit out. Brittany was sat on the floor in the mirror doing her makeup while her hair air dried. Santana stood behind her and curled her own hair, her makeup was already done.

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