Chapter 6

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Author's Note: Sorry it's been so long since I've posted :(


Tuesday 19th of September

The brunette lifted her heavy eyelids with struggle, she quickly closed them after witnessing the beams of light shining through the curtains. She rolled onto her side expecting to be held tightly by her soulmate but instead she felt nothing. She opened her eyes to find Brittany's side of the bed empty. It felt cold to the touch confirming Brittany had got up a while ago.

Santana dragged her body from bed and slipped on her underwear and old Cheerios t shirt. She checked the time and saw the date. Realisation hit her like a truck - it was her and Brittany's 6 year anniversary!

Santana skipped across the apartment feeling a lot more awake at the prosperity of the day ahead of her, she smelt coffee and assumed Brittany had gotten up early to surprise her. They never bought each other gifts on their anniversary's, kind gestures were the only acceptable gift.

When she turned the corner into the kitchen her shoulders dropped in disappointment. Brittany's bag wasn't there, neither was her jacket. The coffee pot had a note attached which read:


Had to go in early today. See u later

Britt :)

Santana allowed a small smile to grace her face. She knew Brittany never forgot special dates because she was so good with numbers. Santana forgave her for not being home, it was most likely her work's fault.

She grabbed a mug of coffee as she sat and read her emails. She then showered and got ready for the day, choosing to wear a tight skirt and blouse.


"Morning Miss Lopez" Ally (her assistant) greeted as she walked into her company building.

"Morning Ally. What meetings have I got today?" The Latina asked.

"The graphics team want to go over the skincare photoshoot Brie did last week. Once you approve of that, it can be sent back to their company for publishing. Miss Fabray will be here around 1 to review Miss Jones contracts for the tour and to renew Miss Berry's contract for 'Funny Girl'. After lunch, Mr Puckerman is meeting you to speak about getting one of your clients to perform at his bar which opened last week." Ally listed off.

"Thanks, the graphics were looking great last time I checked so hopefully by now they will be perfect. Quinn is always easy to work with and their contracts shouldn't take too long. I will have to speak to Puck about his bar, it's been a while since I've seen him." She replied, half to herself, half her to her assistant.

She took a seat at her desk in her office and began preparing for the day ahead of her. Her phone began to vibrate against the desk and she smiled when she answered and heard Brittany's voice.

"Hey baby, I don't have long to chat, I just wanted to apologise for leaving this morning without saying goodbye." The blonde said sincerely.

"That's alright, I assume you got called into work."

"Exactly, I had to give a tour to a new potential student. I should be home early tonight though to make up for it."

"Umm Britt? Aren't you forgetting something?" Santana asked, referring to their anniversary. "Remember what today is."

"Oh of course!" Brittany practically shouted. Santana smiled. "It's Tuesday, I have an extra class!" Santana's face dropped in disappointment. "Thanks for the reminder, I guess I'll be back later then. Sorry San."

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