Chapter 3

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Monday 19th of August

"Yes, after the show Miss Berry will be available for interviews and photographs. She has factored in the time to answer your questions and looks forward to discussing her performance. Thank you, bye" Santana said as she hung up the phone . That night was the opening night of 'Funny Girl' and Rachel's broadway debut. Santana had a busy day at work and was getting ready to head home. She slipped on her jacket and began walking out of the building. She quickly called Quinn.

"Hello?" Quinn answered.

"Hey Q, I'm just checking that we're still on for dinner tonight before Rachel's show."

"Yep, it'll just be you, me and Britt for dinner, then we'll meet Kurt and Blaine at the theatre. Shall I meet you at the restaurant at 6:30?"

"Sounds perfect." Santana replied. "See you then, bye." She hung up. Santana climbed into her car and drove home.


"Hey Britt Britt!" Santana said as she walked through the door of their apartment. Brittany was sat at the table working on some paperwork.

"Hey baby." Brittany replied as she looked up and smiled at her brunette. Brittany's face lit up when she saw her girlfriend.

Santana took off her shoes and walked over to Brittany. She took a seat on her lap and wrapped her arms around Brittany's neck, bringing her in for a kiss.

"Mmm what was that for?" Brittany asked, referring to the extra heat that was added to their usually tame 'welcome home' kiss.

"Just for being you." Santana said with a smile and shrug. Brittany kissed her again.

"I'm going to go shower and get ready to meet Q, you wanna join me?" Santana asked with a wink and a quirked eyebrow. "I think we have time for a quick round of twister too."

"As much as I'd love to get naked with you right now, I can't. I've already showered and I did that on purpose. If we shower together, we both know we will be late to dinner and then we will stress Quinnie out and then she won't enjoy tonight. Tonight is about Rachel so we need to think of her, even if it means prioritising her over our sexy times." Brittany explained.

"Damn." Santana said as her shoulders dropped in disappointment. "You're right, I'll go shower then... alone." She said as she stood up and walked away. Brittany giggled to herself at how ridiculous the other woman was.

After Santana took a shower, she slipped into her matching black underwear and proceeded to do her hair. Brittany stood behind her looking in the same mirror as she applied a light layer of makeup to make her blue eyes pop. After their hair and makeup, they both slipped into their dresses for the evening and admired each other.

"Damn baby, we look hot." Brittany complimented as they stood next to each other in their full length mirror.

"We always look hot. We've got to be New York's sexiest couple, I mean look at us." Santana agreed.

Brittany giggled in response. "Come on, let's go meet Q." She said as she took Santana by the hand and lead her out of the room.


The girls met Quinn at a restaurant one block away from the theatre Rachel was performing at. They took a seat in a booth at the back of the restaurant and placed their food order. They then received their drinks and waited for their food to arrive.

"How's Rachel feeling? Is she nervous?" Brittany asked.

"She's a little nervous but I think she's more excited. She's been in rehearsals for weeks so I think she's just excited to finally perform for everyone." Quinn answered.

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