Chapter 14

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Author's note: Hello everyone! I know it has been months but I'm back!

I hope you are all staying safe during COVID-19


Friday 13th of December

"San, baby, wake up." Brittany said softly as she shook Santana awake. Santana reluctantly opened her eyes.

"We're here!" Brittany told her excitedly. They had arrived in Lima, Ohio. They drove from New York and took turns, switching every couple of hours. Brittany had just done the last shift and Santana fell asleep. Brittany allowed her to nap, knowing she'd be in a better mood for the glee club reunion tomorrow.

Santana looked out the car window and saw that they were parked outside their childhood homes.

"If we're staying at my parent's, shall we go and visit yours first?" Brittany asked.

"Good plan." Santana agreed. She stretched her muscles and stepped out of the car. Brittany took her by the hand and lead them into the Lopez's house.

"Hi!" Brittany called as she opened the front door. She didn't even get a verbal response before being wrapped in a bone-crushing hug from Maribel Lopez. As soon as she was released, Santana was then held by her own mother.

"Hi Ma!" Santana laughed, still in her mother's arms.

"Sorry," Maribel said as she released her daughter and showed them into the dining room. "I've just missed you girls so much." She reasoned.

"I know Ma, we've missed you too." Santana responded.

"We really have." Brittany added.

A minute later Raphael entered the room and gave them both a tight hug. It wasn't as tight as Maribel's but it was clear he had missed them too.

"Tea?" Raphael asked as he boiled the kettle.

"Yes please" all three women responded. He poured them each a mug and brought them to the table where he sat next to his wife.

"Congratulations on the engagement, we're so happy for you!" Maribel said excitedly. Santana had called her parent's right away to tell them but they hadn't congratulated her in person yet.

"Let's see the ring." Raphael said, he held his daughter's hand and admired the rock on her finger.

"Gorgeous!" He said.

"Beautiful!" Maribel said. They both agreed the ring was perfect.

"Thank you. I spent a long time choosing it." Brittany answered.

"We got the invitation in the post this week. It's going to be a very short engagement!" Maribel teased.

"I know, I just can't wait any longer for Brittany to be my wife." Santana explained honestly. "February 1st can't come fast enough." Brittany just smiled with pure adoration for her future wife.

"How's work?" Raphael asked, changing the subject. Brittany and Santana shared a knowing look and a nod.

"I'm glad you asked, as you know Mercedes just had her debut tour. It did amazingly well and made lots of money for the company. I've given bonuses to all my employees but I wanted to share some of it with you two." Santana answered. "So we're sending you both away for a romantic weekend. You can pick the time of year and the destination, wherever you want  to go."

"What? No. We can't accept that." Raphael said sternly.

"Yes, it's your money, you need to keep it." Maribel agreed.

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