Chapter 11

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Author's note: this is a short chapter


Friday 15th of November

"Hey Mercedes!" Santana answered her phone. "Are you alright?"

"Hi san, I'm great! How are you?" Mercedes replied.

"Pretty good. Last night of your tour tonight, are you excited?" Santana asked as she walked around her bedroom trying to find a suitcase.

"I'm always excited to perform. I've loved every minute of this tour but I'm ready to go home again now. I've missed Sam so much. He's flown out to see me a couple of times but I have missed being home with him." Mercedes said. Santana found the suitcase and began filling it with her and Brittany's clothes. Brittany was still at work but would be home soon.

"Are you coming tonight? The show is in New York." Mercedes asked.

"Of course we are. Me and Britt will be there. We wouldn't miss it for the world." Santana replied. She was really looking forward to seeing Mercedes perform.

"Oh good." Mercedes said. "Thank you for all of this, I really appreciate you-"

"Save the speeches wheezy. You can thank me later." Santana cut her off. She finished packing the suitcase and zipped it up. She slid it under the bed, out of sight.

"Okay san, I've got to go for soundcheck. I'll see you later."

"See you later 'Cedes! Good luck." Santana said as she hung up the phone. She walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen to get a drink.

"Honey I'm home!" Brittany said as she walked through the door. They still basked in the fact that they had their own home together. She took off her coat and shoes and greeted Santana in the kitchen with a kiss.

"Hi, how was class?" Santana asked.

"It was good, the kids are really good now. They'll be teaching me soon!" She joked.

"I don't think that will ever happen. You're the best dancer in the world." Santana enthused.

"I'm really not." Brittany said with a smile.

"Maybe not but you're definitely the hottest dancer in the world." Santana said as she kissed her fiancé again.

"I got some flowers for 'Cedes." Brittany said as she collected them from the hall and showed Santana.

"Good job. Those are really pretty, she'll love them." Santana praised.

"Are you ready to go to the concert?" Brittany asked as she looked at Santana and saw she was dressed up.

"Yep. Why don't you take a shower? I'll finish up around the house."

"Okay." Brittany agreed. She gave Santana another kiss and then slipped away towards the bathroom.

Santana waited until she heard the sound of the shower, she then crept into the bedroom, collected the suitcase from under the bed and took it out of the apartment. She rode the elevator down the the lobby of the building and left the suitcase by the door. She checked she had all the paperwork she needed and then rode the elevator back up to their floor.

"Did you go out?" Brittany asked as Santana entered the bedroom. Brittany was drying her hair while she sat in her towel.

"No, I was just in the kitchen." Santana lied.

"Oh. I thought I heard the door open and close." Brittany said with a shrug.

Santana talked to Brittany as she got ready for the concert. Then they went downstairs into the lobby to wait for their cab. Santana noticed the suitcase was gone. "Good." She muttered under her breathe.

"Did you say something?" Brittany asked.

"No." Santana lied again. "Oh the car is here." They went outside and got into their car to take them to Mercedes concert.


"Are you excited for tonight? You look great by the way." Brittany asked in the car.

"Thanks B. You look super hot tonight." She said with a wink. I'm really excited. We've all put so much hard work into this tour so it'll be nice to see it live." Santana said. "Are you excited?"

"I am! The dancers all did great in rehearsals but they really thrive on stage and so to see them with all the adrenaline should be amazing!" Brittany said enthusiastically.


When the girls arrived at the theatre they were escorted upstairs to a private booth. They were out of the way of the crowd and could see better.

Mercedes performance was incredible, she sung with all that she is and her dancers gave it their all too. Brittany and Santana danced along in their booth and could see the crowd singing along to all the songs.

Towards the end of the show Mercedes stopped singing. "As you know, this is my last performance of the tour." She said to the crowd, people cheered and applauded as she spoke. "I've had so much fun! I want to thank my dancers..." they all took a bow. Brittany gave an extra loud cheer. "Thank you to Sam, babe you're the love of my life and have supported me from day 1. I'm sure you will continue to support me for the rest of my career." The crowd all made an "awww" sound. "And I'd like to thank Santana Lopez. Thank you for taking a chance on me and allowing me to live my dream." Mercedes finished.

Brittany wrapped her arms around Santana from behind and kissed her shoulder.

"Now I've said thank you, I have one more song for you." Mercedes told the crowd. "This one's called hell to the no!" The whole crowd screamed with happiness.


"Knock knock." Brittany said as she entered Mercedes dressing room with Santana.

"Hi guys! What did you think?" Mercedes asked as she gave them each a hug.

"You were incredible 'Cedes!" Santana said.

"Amazing!" Brittany added. "We got you these." She said as she presented a bouquet of flowers.

"Aww these are beautiful!" Mercedes thanked them.

"Hi." Sam said quietly as he walked into the room. Mercedes face lit up at the sight of her boyfriend.

"We'll let you two be alone." Santana said as she lead Brittany out of the room. "Well done again. I'll speak to you on Monday."


They walked out of the theatre holding hands. "So this tour brought a lot of money in for the company." Santana started. "I've given everyone a big bonus to thank them for all their help. Even the cleaners got one!"

"I didn't get a bonus." Brittany teased.

"I'm just getting to that." Santana said. Brittany was surprised. She didn't need a bonus.

"Your bonus comes in the form of a romantic weekend away in Mexico." Santana told her.

"What? Seriously?" Brittany said as she leapt into Santana's arms. She kissed all over Santana's face in gratitude.

When she calmed down and was stood on the sidewalk again she asked "when do we leave?"

"Now." Was Santana's reply. "I packed our suitcase earlier and our limo should be here about.." she checked the time.

"Now?" Brittany asked as a limo pulled up in front of them.

"Yep!" Santana laughed. They climbed into the car and started their way to the airport for their trip to Mexico.


Author's note: next chapter will be their Mexico trip

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