Chapter 12

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Author's note: this is a very long chapter, I hope you enjoy!


Saturday 16th of November

"Thank you." Santana said as a young man placed their suitcase on the floor of their holiday home. He then left, closing the door behind him.

The girls had just arrived in Mexico and after a short car ride, they had arrived at their home for the next couple of days. Their flight home was Sunday evening so they had the whole weekend to relax.

Santana took a moment to look around the apartment. It was beautiful! She had seen images while she booked it but they didn't do this place justice.

"Wow." Santana said under her breath.

"Umm San. I'm still blindfolded. Can I look yet?" Brittany said, urgently wanting to see her surprise.

"Oh yeah." Santana giggled. She gave Brittany a quick kiss before removing the blindfold.

As Brittany's eyes adjusted to the light, she took in the space around her. One wall was floor to ceiling glass, allowing sunlight to stream in and light the apartment. She walked to the window and could see the beach and the sea as the waves lapped against the shore.

The place was decorated in a monochrome, modern way. It was very stylish. She walked into the kitchen and saw the cupboards were fully stocked with food and drink. She ran her hand across the marble counter as she walked towards the lounge. It was equipped with an 80 inch flat screen and sofas. The bathroom contained a giant jacuzzi bathtub and a shower with 4 heads. The bedroom had a giant bed, covered in throw pillows and soft, fluffy blankets. One wall of the bedroom was also floor to ceiling glass. The sun streamed through and painted the room a soft, yellow colour. Santana flicked a switch on a remote and the windows were covered by curtains.

Santana followed Brittany around anxiously. She hadn't said anything since taking the blindfold off.

"Is it alright? Do you like it?" Santana asked feeling nervous at the reply she was about to receive.

"No." Brittany said bluntly as she turned around and walked back to Santana.

"Oh well we can exchange it and-" Santana was cut off by a steamy kiss from her fiancé.

"I love it." Brittany said between kisses. "You're amazing. This is the most beautiful place I've ever seen." She said with a cheek-bunching smile.

"Oh phew." Santana said, allowing herself to relax again. "I'm glad you like it. So, since this is your bonus for work, this weekend you get everything you want, I'm here to make sure you get it."

"What a cute servant I got!" Brittany teased as she kissed the Latina softly.

"So what's you first wish? What do you want first? Food, drink?" Santana asked.

"Hmm." Brittany pondered as she tapped her chin. "Oh, I know!" She said as her face lit up. "I want you to do me on the massive bed."

Santana laughed. "Done." She said as she began kissing the blonde.


"Wow!" Santana said as she laid in bed with Brittany next to her. They were both trying to catch their breath.

"We're really good at that." Brittany added. The girls shared a high five.

"Yeah! We have good sex in Mexico." Santana agreed.

Brittany sat up and looked down at Santana. "We should rename this trip Sexico!" She laughed.

Santana started laughing too. "I love it!"

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