Ever since you've had a connection to the Kim Family it seemed that your life gets a little extra as time passes by, and that freaked the hell out of you.

"There's so much going on in just a week," you softly whispered to yourself.

"BATH'S READY!" You flinched at the sudden tone of the pretty woman with you. You still didn't know what her name was though.

"Go on! Take a bath right now, I'm not getting any younger sweetie," she said while tapping on of her shoes on the wooden floor.

"Ah right," you quickly got up your feet and ran straight into the bathroom, wondering if Taehyung had already come up with his so called plan.

"Shut the fuck up Jimin," Taehyung hissed in complete irritation.

Taehyung had enough of Jimin teasing him,it all started this morning when his aunt In-na arrived at their mansion at 4 am. It was okay if she had arrived with her husband but she also brought with her event decorators, chefs, maids, butlers, waiters and even a priest with her.

The blonde thought that there would still be time to prevent his grandfather from doing this but he was wrong. His grandfather really wanted to see him getting married.

"You know the Kim Clan really is something,"  Jungkook smirked at Taehyung which made him more annoyed. He paced back and forth inside their living room while five pairs of eyes just stared at him in amusement.

"Think of it this way Tae-tae, atleast you're getting married to a pretty girl," Hoseok said to lighten up the boy's mood.

All of them were already wearing a proper tuxedo that their aunt In-na bought for them. They were all nagged early in the morning to get up from their beds and prepare for Taehyung's wedding day.

"Yeah no shit" Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"And where are you taking me young man?!" Six heads turned to their left and saw Yoongi who was by the door with the priest from earlier who was all tied up.

"Equipment room. Now." Yoongi deadpanned and continued walking to the secret room while the five boys followed him.

When they were complete, Yoongi locked the room and lets the priest sit down on the velvet couch they have inside.

"Yoongi-hyung isn't this a sin for kidnapping a priest?" Jungkook asks while eyeing the priest from head to toe.

"It's not stated in the bible so no," Yoongi replied and sat infront of the priest.

"So? Why did you bring him here?" Seokjin turned to the younger with an eyebrow raised.

"Well, you can't have a real wedding if you don't have a real priest," Yoongi points out.

"But they will find another replacement in a snap as soon as they found out he's gone" Taehyung mused.

Yoongi smirked and looked at Hoseok knowingly. "Oh they won't know he's gone,"

Hoseok just gave him a disgusted look. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Jimin snapped his fingers "I see where you're getting!" He said excitedly while the other 5 just looked at them in confusion.

"Yeah no one asked you mochi," Yoongi said and rolled his eyes at him and then turned to Hoseok.

"You studied prosthetics right? Can you make me look like him?" Yoongi asked.

"Well, it's easy since you both have the same face features it is quite easy" Hoseok clicks his tongue as he scans the priest's and Yoongi's face.

"I'll get my supplies upstairs," Hoseok said while making his way out of the room.

Jungkook still stared at the priest with his big doe eyes which made the priest uncomfortable. "And why are you looking at me like that? I am still older than you and yet I feel like every boy here looks down at me like I'm—mff" Jimin cuts him off by placing a big piece of ducktape on the priest's lips.

"You talk to much Mr.Priest," Jimin showed his famous smile and then sat down next to his best friend.

"Don't you dare talk to me Jimin, I've had enough of you bickering such nonsense," Taehyung hissed, Jimin just flashed a toothy grin but decided to stay silent too, he was tired too.

The six good looking men was all quiet while waiting for Hoseok to return, they were all tired and just wanted to sleep. Well, except for Taehyung, it was the first time he ever got nervous for this long in his life, it was his wedding day and this kind of thing is really a big deal to him. The image that Being married to you keeps on popping out in his head, it made him sick, he didn't want to get married to you either.


"What's taking you so long?" A loud bang on the door made you jump a little. Thirty minutes had only past and you were already done taking a shower fifteen minutes ago.

You gulped as you stared at the door horrifyingly. You were not scared of the wedding today, you're more scared of the woman violently screaming and knocking on the door. The woman was just sweet and all smiley awhile ago and it now she's angrily shouting for her to come out.

Suddenly, the shouting woman went quiet.

One of your hand was shaking as you grab hold of the door knob but then, a loud roar came from outside, it sounded like an engine, it sounded like a chainsaw.

"DEAR PUT THE GODDAMN CHAINSAW DOWN," you heard a masculine voice shouting atop of his lungs.

You quickly stepped back and then half of the blade of the chainsaw went right through the door, the blade was just inches away from your face and it almost made you faint.

The sweet looking woman managed to tear down the door, she was smiling from ear to ear when she saw you and you were just there, staring at her blankly.

"Hello there, not let's get you all bulked up yeah?" She lends her hand to you and you shakily accept it. She was a thin woman but it seemed like she didn't have a problem carrying the large chainsaw in her hands.

She elegantly hands the chainsaw to a good looking guy who was looking at her in disbelief.

"I really can't believe you tear down a bathroom door." The man sighed as he took the chainsaw from her grasp.

"Honey you've only seen half of me," the woman giggles.

The grown man just rolled his eyes at her and then left the room. The petite woman slowly turns to you wearing her most devious smile.

"Now let's jack up the bride, shall we?" She smiled as she took small footsteps towards you. You just sighed helplessly and just gave up.

Let's just see what fate has in store for me.

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