Chapter 15

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"shoot," those words escaped your lips quite easily. You didn't have any thing or any reason to live on, it was scary for you to see a gun pointed at you but it didn't really matter to you after a few seconds.

Dying would be the last thing you would ever wish for but to you it seemed fine. Who will remember you anyway?

Taehyung's corner lips perked up, smirking down at you, you didn't break the staring contest between the two of you, each one staring at each other with intensity and anger.

"Alrighty then," Taehyung chuckles and placed his hands on the gun's slide slowly pulling it into his direction, a way of loading the gun from the magazine to prepare to fire.

"Tae, Taegi might—" before Jin can continue Taehyung cuts him off with his words.

"Its easy to dump her body out of this plane right?" Taehyung says, you rolled your eyes remembering those words from a random soap opera you watched, wondering Taehyung took a reference from it.

Imitative Swine you thought

"What?" taehyung's brows met as he stared at you questioningly, he didn't quite hear the words you thought you just said in your mind.


"I see you still have the courage to mutter nasty things under your breathe in the presence of a man like me," he comments.

"A man like you?" You snorted eyeing him up and down,hoping that it would annoy the shit out of him with your behavior. "Uh-huh and what man are you?" You continued.

Taehyung scoffs and slowly kneels down on the floor, his face on the level of yours. He slowly puts the gun under your chin as you just looked at his empty eyes.

"You'd be scared to know princess," he whispers, his scent creeps its way to your nose making your nose scrunch a little with the manly and woody scent he has.

"I'm not a afraid of you," you spat.

Taehyung smirks again and hardened the pressure of the gun under your chin, tilting it upward.

"I see," a soft click of the gun was heard, meaning Taehyung had already pull the trigger.

The five males sighed in relief while Taehyung stands up, still wearing the smirk.

"Lucky you princess, its seems that the gun I have doesn't have any bullets," Taehyung waves the gun and presses something on it and then the gun's magazine falls out directly to the floor, it was empty.

Taehyung throws the gun near your  knees and you just stared at it completely dumbfounded.

Why didn't he shoot you, you have no value to him anymore. You keep on asking questions to yourself because you didn't really understand why. If he didn't kill you, the only reason that came to your mind that he thought of something that you will do to become useful to him, he still decided to control you and you don't even have the slightest clue what was it. You hated that more rather than dying.

"Why," you asked as you saw Taehyung walking away from you.

Taehyung paused and looked back at you with a grin lingering on his lips. "I've come up a perfect plan to make use of you and at the same time dispose you," he winks and sat down.

You sighed and slowly got up on your feet, you feel small and soft arms holding your elbow, you leaned and it was Jimin, smiling at you apologetically.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly, you quickly pulled yourself away from him and eyed him with disgust.

"Don't look at me like you care for me, I don't even actually know all of you and all of your true colors. I shouldn't be trusting any one of you," You said, getting angry at each male present in that scenario.

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