The shimmering creatures

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'Chase, what are you thinking about?' asked his dad

'Nothing dad, it was just the Forest' said Chase.

'What do you mean Chase, I'm telling you, don't even think about doing anything stupid' said his dad and Chase went back to his room.

Chase was thinking about what his father said while brushing his teeth and getting in his night jumper. He was about to sleep when he decided to take a glance at the forest. He saw little shimmering lights flying from the forest. At first he thought that they were fire-fly's but when he saw those lights coming towards his window, he fell back and kept staring at the window. They were not fire-flies for sure he thought. The lights bumped into his window and started talking to each other. Chase gave another look outside the window at the shimmering creatures and to his amazement they were little shemmering elves. He thought that elves were fictional creatures but today he saw them himself!. He decided to open the window and the elves  came in and they started flying above his head.

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