The Green Gleam

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Chase came downstairs to take some snacks and went to tv lounge , his mom was watching news on TV and he went and sat beside her . He started watching the news with her in the news they were telling about the Forbidden Forest which was not that far from their house , Chase thought that the news was sterile and he went back upstairs in his room and start playing video game.

It was dark now and Chase went downstairs to have dinner with his family, while having dinner his mom and dad were talking about the same News of Forbidden Forest, but Chase found the conversation really boring. He saw his sister playing with her dolls while having dinner. He himself was getting bored so he took his dinner upstairs, jumped on his bed and ate his dinner while watching funny videos on his phone.

Everyone went back into their rooms and slept, but Chase was the only one who was not able to sleep, his phone was also on charging so he decided to look at the forest from his window. He kept staring and suddenly! he saw a gleam from the forest pouring into the sky. He fell from his chair in amazement and shock, he pinched himself to make sure that it was not a nightmare again but no, it wasn't a nightmare this time. He looked back at the window and the gleam suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes. He just kept staring and staring.

In the morning his mom came into his room and said, 'Chase, honey it's time to wake up' but to her surprise Chase was not in his room but on the floor.

'Chase wake up!', she said, and Chase woke up in glitch and said,

'Where is the gleam, where is the gleam!!'

'Which gleam honey. Did you had a nightmare again?' said his mom.

'No mom' he said and went to the washroom.

The whole day went by and he kept thinking of the green gleam that approached from the forest, he was completely changed he didn't play any video games and didn't did what he used to do and kept thinking and staring.

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