Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

No Reaction

Percy's PoV

I was still shaken by what I had heard from Apollo, so was Artemis, things were not looking good. We had to convince Apollo to tell everyone else, I would do it myself but how would that make me look? It would look like I couldn't be trusted with a secret and that I was a suck up. But whatever the case, we couldn't just sit here while everyone was in danger, although it's mostly just me and Artemis who would be in danger.


"So what did you wanna talk about?", Artemis asked her brother.

"I have this gut feeling that something might go terribly wrong if any of the gods decide to help in this war", Apollo said solemnly

"A gut feeling? We can't possibly rely on a gut feeling, that's just stupid", I exclaimed.

Apollo glared at me, "I did not give you permission to speak, I don't even know why my sister is dating you!", He said angrily

"This again! Relax Apollo, Percy won't do anything", Artemis good him in a rather irritated voice.

"Yeah, I won't do anything", I said as I leaned down and captured her lips with mine, she kissed back with a lot of intensity and I resisted the urge to pull her closer.

Suddenly, someone pulled up apart, rather forcefully, I looked up to see Apollo glowering above me, I gulped. "Five feet rule! From now on, whenever I am present, or anyone is present for that matter, you two will stay five feet away from each other, are we clear?", He said, strictly.

"You can't just ask me to stay away from my boyfriend!", Artemis protested as she took out her bow. I gently removed it from her hand and asked her to sit down.

"It's okay Arty, it's not like Apollo is around all the time, we will be fine, just relax", I told her, she nodded.

"Apollo, I know you, you would never give in to a gut feeling, what's really going on?",Artemis asked in a concerned tone.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you, but remember, it's bad", he warned.

"I think we can handle it", I said as I took Artemis' hand in my own. She gave me a weak smile.

"Okay, here goes, I was sleeping soundly yesterday night when I had this dream, in the dream, You two were at Camp Half-blood fighting Erebus' minions, but that's not all I saw you guys fighting", he explained.

"But what's the problem, we all knew an attack was inevitable", Arty asked.

"You don't get it, I saw the two of you, fighting each other", he worriedly told us.

"What?! No, that's not possible, you must've seen someone else", Artemis said with what seemed like a cross between worry and fear.

"I'm just telling you what I saw, I'm pretty sure that it was the two of you"

"Well, maybe it's like with prophecies, things aren't always what they seem", I said, nervousness crawling its way inside me.

"Hopefully", the twins said at once

"Look at that, finally some proof that you two are related", I chuckled

"Hilarious", Apollo said in a serious tone. "Now before you leave, I would just like to say to Percy, stay the Hades away from my sister!", He glared at me.

Artemis and I just rolled our eyes and showed ourselves out. 

Flashback Ends

Now here we were back at the campsite, waiting for everyone to gather around so we could tell them about our relationship. I could already hear the shouts of protest and whatnot.

When everyone had gathered around, Artemis started to speak, "Now what I'm about to tell you may be shocking, but it is what it is, okay here goes, Percy and I are dating"

I was waiting for the shouting to begin but it never did, everyone just shrugged and went back to what they were doing, perhaps they were acting so calm because they knew Artemis would eventually date someone after her oath was taken away.

"No shouts of protest? Are you guys okay? I thought you would complain", Artemis says incredulously.

"Not really, we kinda saw it coming, I mean there was way to much sexual tension between the two of you", Thalia says in an obvious tone.

"Yeah, although I didn't think it would happen so soon, now I owe Thalia fifteen drachmas", Jake said witha frown as he tossed the money to Thalia who just grinned at him. 

"Well, then I guess we can just go? Unless anyone has anything to say", I ask them

"Actually, I was wondering, well, Jake and I were wondering, now that you guys are dating, does that mean we can date too?", Thalia asks

"Why Thals? Did Jake ask you out?", I asked her

Thalia's face turned red, "It's just a question kelp head, just shut up and answer it"

"Well, I don't think I can shut up and speak at the same time", I smirked

"What he means is, the whole point of our groups was to swear of any and all relationships, but now that Percy and I are dating, we kinda have to dissolve the groups I guess", Artemis said sadly.

"What? No! We can't do that!", Phoebe cried out.

"She has a point, which is why I came up with a solution, remember when Athena was telling you about how after your oath breaks you can assign another goddess to look after the hunters and you can still be their patron and stay in contact with them, I think that's what we should do", I said, proud that I came up with such a brilliant solution.

"That works out perfectly! Let's do that, we'll start looking for suitable people after the war", Artemis told everyone, they just nodded and smiled before leaving to do their work.

After everyone was gone, I turned to Artemis "You know what I just realised?", I asked her.


"We have been dating but I've never actually taken you out on a proper date", I explain

"What're you saying?", She eyes me nervously.

"I'm saying, Artemis, would you do me the honor of going on a date with me?", I asked

She giggled, "Okay fine Percy"

"Great see you at 5", I said as I walked away to plan things out. 

"See you then!"


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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