Chapter 7

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QOTD: What was the name of the dog in the lightning thief ?

(Next chapter will be dedicated to the first person who answers correctly)

Chapter 7

Strange Dreams

Artemis's PoV


I was standing at the edge of a small lake in the middle of the forest, I couldn't sense any animals nearby. Strange, usually the forest is filled with different woodland creatures. I slowly made my way into the water, it was freezing. I heard low thumping behind me, I turned and tried to take out my hunting knifes, only to find them gone.

Strange, the wind blew my hair into my face making it hard to see, I pushed my hair back and saw a figure standing nearby, leaning against a tree. He stepped closer, it was clearly a male. He smiled wickedly, I tried to move but was unable.

He laughed cruelly, "beware puny goddess, the worst is yet to come", he said in a low voice. I tried to speak but my mouth felt as if it was glued shut. Suddenly, darkness surrounded him and he disappeared.

(A/N : Did you think it was Percy? Too bad ;P )


I woke up in my tent, it was mid-afternoon, just a little while ago, Perseus and I had told the Hunters and the Warriors of the new arrangements. There had been cries of protests but eventually they settled down.

I remember telling Thalia that I was feeling unwell and was going to take a nap, that's when I saw that horrible dream. I should inform the council, it is not often that a god has dreams, except maybe Hypnos, but that's not important. Ugh, Percy's already rubbing off on me, gods, his name is PERSEUS not Percy. I am so annoyed. Right, the council, better take Perseus along.

I walked out of my tent to find the Warriors setting up camp on the other side of the river just opposite of us. I looked around but only saw the Warriors, Perseus was missing. I wonder where he went off to... I heard someone calling me and turned around to find Thalia giving me a weird look.

"Milady are you alright? You sorta zoned out for a moment", Thalia said with a worried expression on her face. She had been with the hunt for quite a while now and I must admit she had done a good job so far, the hunters were my sisters, my family, I didn't want them to get hurt and I knew that under Thalia's leadership they would be fine.

"I am fine Thalia, please go over to the Warriors' campsite along with Phoebe and ask them if they know where Perseus is", I said. She just nodded and left to find Phoebe, honestly I thought she would protest and I was surprised when she didn't.

I sighed and walked over to oversee the hunters' archery practice.


Thalia's PoV

I walked all the way back to where Phoebe was standing, and started speaking "Hey Phoebe come on, we have to go talk to Jake and the others, Lady Artemis ordered it"

She smirked and nodded. We were walking towards their campsite when Phoebe asked me something that I was not expecting "So... you always mention Jake before the other Warriors, any particular reason?"

The hunters were cool, we didn't have a problem if one our sisters fell in love with a guy, we were happy for her, besides, over the months Phoebe and I have become a lot closer, we do almost everything together. Why am I not surprised that she asked me this? (A/N: Do you ship Thalico or Solangelo?)

"No, I just remember his name because he is the lieutenant of the Warriors like I am of the Hunters, nothing more, nothing less", I said quickening my pace.

"If you say so", she said as she caught up with me.

We finally arrived at the campsite of the Warriors, "Hey Jake! Get over here now!", I called out.

All the Warriors gave me a suspicious glance before going back to what they were doing. What's up with them? I thought. (A/N: Or Jake with Thalia?)

Jake finally walked over to us and nodded his head in acknowledgment. "Lady Artemis wants to know where Kelp Head is", I told him. Hey, he was still a kelp head even if he is a god now.

"Why?", he asked as he eyed us warily.

"What is with you guys, it's like you don't trust us at all", Phoebe exclaimed suddenly

"We don't hate you, in particular we just have our fair share of bad experiences with women that's all", Jake said, he seemed annoyed. Better do this quick.

"Well are you going to tell us or not?", I asked him hurriedly

"He said he had something to do and left", Jake replied as he turned on his heels.

"And you didn't ask why?", Phoebe asked him.

Jake sighed, "Look, we don't ask questions, if Percy said he had work then he had work, we don't ask questions", he said and jogged back to his fellow Warriors. Probably to tell them about this conversation.

Phoebe and I exchanged a look and quickly walked back to speak to Artemis. We saw her near the archery range teaching a few hunters how to shoot an arrow. We waited till she was done. After about 15 minutes she walked towards us and asked "Well?" She started, "where is he?"

"The lieutenant said that he had some work", I replied. Artemis sighed, "Well, if you need anything then send me a prayer or an IM, I have a council meeting", she said and quickly flashed away as we averted our eyes. Don't want to die just yet.


Artemis' PoV

I flashed to the Throne Room, I wonder where Perseus is, was he with another woman? My stomach felt like it was in a knot, was I jealous? No, why would I be? I am just concerned that he might break his oath of swearing off of women. What am I saying, why would I care about what he does, he's a boy.

I shot a silver arrow onto the ceiling and there 13 bright flashes revealing the Olympians , Perseus was missing, I feel worried about him for some insane reason. What the Hades is wrong with me?!

"Daughter, why have you called this meeting?"


Incase you haven't noticed, Jake is going to play an important role in the book along with Thalia. I might ship them together, or maybe Thalia and Nico.

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