Chapter 15

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Chapter 15


Percy's PoV

"You left me all alone Kelp Head, I had to ask Jake for help", Thalia said and she gave me a pointed glance just to show that she was angry.

"Although, now I can see why he abandoned his post Thalia", Jake said, trying to hold in his laughter.

"You're right Jake, so tell me Perce, were you gentle?", Thalia asked and my face along with Artemis turned red.

"Get out, both of you!", I cried.

They chuckled, "Relax, we just came to tell you that breakfast is in an hour", Thalia said as she and Jake sprinted out of the tent.

I sincerely hope that Thalia doesn't go around telling everyone about this incident, because if she did, I am in for a whole lot of pain and trouble.

I got up quickly and snapped my fingers to change my outfit. Artemis followed suit.

I was wearing black pants, a muscle shirt and a leather jacket, on my feet were a pair of combat boots and strapped to my waist was my trustee sword, Anaklusmos, better known as Riptide.

I turned to look at Artemis and I am not gonna lie when I say this, she looked drop dead gorgeous. I mean when isn't she gorgeous, but you know...

She was wearing a silver jacket over a black shirt and black pants with black colored boots. Her hair was tied in a small ponytail and strapped to her back were her bow and quiver.

We stepped out slowly and saw that everything had already been packed and the only tents left belonged to me and Artemis. In the far corner I could see two large logs next to each other with a plate full of food on each of them. Probably for Artemis and I to eat.

We quickly finished our breakfast not once looking at or even talking to each other. Neither the Warriors nor the Hunters asked any questions as to why we were in the same tent, to be fair, I was actually glad that they didn't. I can't believe what I had done.

Pinning the maiden goddess Artemis on her own bed, -which was a bold move on my part- but that was not as bad as the part where we were cuddled up next to each other at night.

I don't know what she thought of the almost kiss but I think I should keep my distance, if I misinterpret the situation, my friendship with Artemis will be ruined. I should just tell her that it was all a mistake, that we were both just tired and I never meant to kiss her.

Yeah, that should be fine, we will remain friends and nothing more. I'll survive, I hope.

We were all packed and ready to go within ten minutes, everyone shouldered their backpacks and we were off to the Wolf House.


Artemis's PoV

Percy didn't talk to me while we ate breakfast, I didn't blame him, last night had been quite interesting after all. I should probably tell him how I feel, but what if he takes it the wrong way? What if he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore because of how awkward it would be?

I should probably seek someone else's advice on this matter, perhaps I could visit my mother, she is living in her palace on Mount Orthrys along with the other peaceful Titans. It is near the Wolf House, I could give her a visit. I wonder what she would think of Percy.

Speaking of Percy, I should talk to him about yesterday. There he is, joking around with Thalia, laughing and smiling. So happy.

I quickened my pace to catch up to Percy. We were only half an hour away from the Wolf House, better to talk it out now. I was now walking right beside him, he gave me a small smile and went back to talking to Thalia.

When she noticed me, she winked at the two of us, "Ya know Perce, I have to talk to Phoebe about something, I will see you later, I guess", she said quickly and ran off towards the Hunters.

"So...", I began, "We should talk"

"About yesterday you mean?", he asked

"Yeah", I replied. He nodded.

"Well, I don't think there is anything to talk about, I get it, you were a little scared when you had that nightmare and I was there to comfort you, we are friends after all.", he said, slowly.

"Yeah, just friends", I said, I little disappointed. "But I meant the part right before Hermes showed up", I hinted. Hopefully he would get that I wanted to talk about the kiss, well almost kiss.

He got the clue, "Oh you mean the leaning in part! Oh well, don't worry about that, I was just a little tired and I was reaching out to put a strand of hair back in place, you didn't think I was going to kiss you right?", he asked me.

"Oh! No of course not!", I replied a little too quickly. He didn't seem to notice.

"Good, cause I don't wanna mess up our friendship, no offence, you're pretty but I would never make a move on you, or anyone for that matter", He explained.

Oh gods, he just thinks we're friends. But I should be happy, should I not? Yes, I will be happy that we are friends and there is nothing that can ruin our bond. Like feelings. Ugh, why is this so hard!

We said nothing for a while and it was getting a little awkward when Thalia finally returned and went back to arguing with percy about weapons.

All of us had been walking for quite some time now, and had finally reached the Wolf House. I felt my form shift, I could feel my Roman aspect take over. We were now in Roman territory.

This should be fun -note the sarcasm- , Diana and Perseus practically hate each other, hold on, make that loathe.



So most of you voted for the CLIFF as the spot for their first kiss.

But I kinda liked  INFERNOLORD 's idea about DELOS, so what do you guys think?

Is it:

A) On a Cliff
B) On Delos

Voting ends on 8th June 2020.

XoXo 💋


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