Chapter 20

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Sorry for the (extremely) late update!

Chapter 20

The Cliff

Artemis's PoV

Sunlight streamed through the small flap of the tent as I quietly ate breakfast that Percy had made. I didn't know he could cook, probably because I never actually paid too much attention to him until recently.

The cave would be opening tonight which meant that I could retrieve the tiara and get back to my Hunters. Trust me, Percy is really nice and handsome and surprisingly smart but that doesn't mean that I don't miss my Hunters, they have always been there for me and as much as I would like to stay here with Percy, I want to go back too.

My thoughts were interrupted when Percy walked inside, gave me small smile which I returned and grabbed the now empty plate that was on the table and put it away.

"Ready to go?", he asked.

We had decided to explore Delos a bit while we were here before returning in the evening to collect the tiara, honestly, I don't get what's so special about it. I mean, it's just a small diamond tiara, we immortals had so many more diamonds in our palaces, what made this one so special?

I snapped out of my thoughts and nodded "Yes, I just have to grab my bow and then we can leave"

Delos was not a very populated island, there were quite a few shops and even fewer tourists and town folks.

Percy and I went and sat in a deserted cafe near the beach, when I was just a newborn, my mother would take me and my brother to a small cliff near the beach, that overlooked the sea. Maybe Percy and I could go there before going to the cave.

As we are the ordered food, I started thinking about Percy, how would I tell him that I like him? Should I tell him that I like him? Will it ruin our friendship? Well the last one would probably be a no, as immortals, I could keep my distance from Percy for a few years and then tell him that I got over him and want to be friends again, he would probably accept, he is awfully nice.

We wandered around Delos for a while before Percy stopped in front of a jewellery store, "Why did you stop?", I asked

"Oh, um, I just saw a really nice necklace and thought I should buy it", he replied

"Oh, who is it for?", I asked curiously

"You of course", he answers instantaneously

I blushed "You don't need to do that"

"But I want to", he insisted and pulled me inside the shop. I blushed again when his hand touched mine.

Percy purchased the necklace and we walked out of the store, Percy stopped me again and took out the necklace, it had a beautiful mini bow and arrow with a silver chain. He gently turned me around and put my hair on one side, he secured the necklace around my neck and put my hair back in place.

I turned around and gave him a light kiss on the cheek which made us both go red in the face, "Thank you", I said. He smiled and nodded.

We started walking towards the beach as it was already around 5 in the evening, I took Percy to the little cliff where I would always go and sat beside him on the sand, the sun was setting and the ocean was calm and beautiful.

Percy put his hand on top of mine, my heartbeat fastened, "This is amazing", he said

"You're amazing", he slowly added.

I turned to look at him and found that he was looking at me, I gave him a small smile, he drew closer to me, and subconsciously, I did to him, our lips were so close to touching, we both leaned in at the same time and his lips met mine, I felt sparks as our lips touched and as he pulled me closer.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him, I put my arms around my neck and we continued, I felt his tongue brush against my lips and slowly opened my mouth, his tongue explored very inch of it and soon we pulled away, breathing heavily.

We stared at each other before Percy cleated his throat "So...that happened", he said awkwardly

"Yeah, so what does that make us?", I asked nervously

He seemed surprised for a moment but then smiled, "That makes you my girlfriend, if you accept", he said slowly

"I do", I replied without a moment's hesitation

He smiled and gave me a small peck on the lips.

"Come on, let's get the tiara and get out of here, we have to tell the others too", I said, he nodded.

"Your father won't be angry, will he?", he asked, a little scared.

"Please, he was already on board before you and I were even a thing", I said, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled, "Thats good to know"

We walked towards the cave hand in hand, I couldn't believe this was happening, Percy and I were dating!

The cave was small and damp with a lot of sharp rocks poking out of the walls, we waited for the right time before I stepped forward and slid open the secret compartment like my mother had told me to, inside, shining brightly in the moonlight, was a diamond tiara with a silver rim around it. I quickly grabbed it and sealed the compartment shut.

I placed it in a small velvet bag and quickly went back to our tent along with Percy.

We packed our things and turned the tent back into a pocket square, I put my hand in Percy's and we flashed to the Palace on Orthrys.


I know I haven't updated in forever and I am so sorry, the story is coming to an end now so you can expect updates every week from now on. Thank you and goodbye.


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