Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

New Missions

Percy's PoV

It's been 2 months since I broke up with Annabeth, two months since I started the Warriors and 2 months since Artemis started loathing me.

I mean the woman needs to calm down, I get that I have a group similar to hers but she doesn't need to go all 'kill Percy mode' one me! Anyway, right now the Warriors and I are at Yellowstone National Park in New York, Zeus told us that they spotted a huge herd of monsters there and wanted us to eliminate them.

So here we were looking for a spot to camp while my Warriors complained about how annoying the Hunters were and what was their problem with us, stuff like that.

"Guys! I know you hate them but please, calm down okay, we don't need them going after our lives!", I said in an attempt to calm them down

That's when I heard someone who I unfortunately knew, speak "Aww, Perseus is scared of a bunch of little girls! Why so scared Perseus ?"

Artemis in all her glory stood behind me with her bow in hand, followed by the Hunters. She looked like she always did, same hunting attire, same hair and the same mesmerising, beautiful eyes that I just wanted to get los- WAIT WHAT THE HADES AM I SAYING! I mean get it.

"Hunters, to what do we owe this displeasure ?", my lieutenant asked with a disgusted look.

"Oh the displeasure is all ours lieutenant", Thalia said, we were still friends but she drifted away when she found out that I had a group similar to Artemis.

"Well, I don't care what you're doing here but we have some important business to take care of, father assigned us to kill a horde of monsters Hermes spotted here, I can see why he assigned it to us seeing that we obviously do a better job than you",Artemis said as she gave me a smirk.

I her a confused look, "What're you talking about, uncle asked us to kill them", I said

"Well, there must have been some misunderstanding, doesn't matter, go away, we'll take care of it", Phoebe, the Daughter of Apollo said snarkily.

I sighed, this had been going on for too long, that's when an idea popped into my head, yeah, I get a lot of ideas these days, I wonder why...sorry, off topic.

"Artemis, let's make a deal, we keep fighting about who's group is better, so let's split up and see who can find an kill the monsters first, the winning group will be declared as the best. Deal?", I asked

She thought about it then agreed, we shook hands holing on a little longer than needed. She had really soft hands, I wonder how they- GODS WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!? I shouldn't be thinking about her, she's a maiden and besides, I am never going to date anyone ever again, not after what happened.

I smiled slightly at her as I removed my hand from hers "Good luck", I said. She just rolled her eyes.

Artemis decided, by which I mean demanded that the Warriors would go left and the Hunters would go right.

We set off in the allotted direction, after wandering for a while we finally found the monsters' nest and boy was it big.

There were 5 drakons, at least 20 empousai, 15 telkhines and............

You guessed it! BullyMcBullhead aka the Minotaur!


Hey guys!!!! Hope you liked this chapter, there's an important note below, please read.


Do you still want this story to be a Pertemis fanfic?


If you guys want to add a character in the story then please comment here with their

Godly parent

If they are a boy then they will be in the Warriors.

If they are a girl then the Hunters.


That will be all, Thanks for reading!

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