Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The Hunter

Artemis's PoV

"Daughter, why have you called this meeting?", my father asked

"And where is my son?! Don't tell me you killed him already !", My uncle, Poseidon shouted

"We can't die idiot", my sister, Athena replied even though the question was directed towards me.

"Shut up , Owl head"

"Why should I?"

"Both of you , keep quiet, we have more important matters to attend to", My step-mother, Hera, cut in. I still don't like her and I can assure you she reciprocates that feeling towards me.

That was when Perseus decided to show up, he had a deep gash in his arm and there was a little girl clinging to his foot. I ran up to him and I don't know what got into me when I summoned some nectar for him to drink so that it would heal the gash.

"Are you alright?", I asked him, seemingly worried. I looked up to meet his mesmerizing eyes , I could get lost in them forever without a care in the world.

He smiled, "of course", he lightly squeezed my hand which caused butterflies in my stomach and made me blush so badly I had to look down and try to focus on my father's cross expression to stop myself.

"Well, now, can we begin the meeting?", Apollo asked as he looked back and forth between me and Perc- I mean Perseus.

"Oh, right, well I had this dream and I thought it would be best to inform the council", I began

I narrated the entire story to them while Apollo and Hermes kept making comments in between just to annoy me.

"The best course of action is to inform the demigods so that they are prepped for war and to be on high alert", Athena said

"Yeah , start training from the beginning, like my kids, born to win!", Ares just had to speak up. He is so Obnoxious. I am irritated.

"Alright, Dionysus please inform the Greeks, Ares, the Romans, Hermes inform the Amazons and Hades, please be on high alert in the underworld.", My father said, looking pointedly at my uncle, Hades, who just snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Council dismissed", my father said and one by one, everyone began to leave.

"Artemis, can I talk to you?", I heard two people say at the same time. I looked and saw my father and Perseus looking at me then at each other.

"It's alright, I will be outside Artemis, please come and speak to me once you are done here", Perseus said as he and the little girl whom I had seemingly forgotten about walked out of the throne room.

"What is it you would like to speak to me about , father?", I asked him

He took a deep breath, "Tell me Artemis, do you like him ?"

I must have looked puzzled because he continued but not before giving me a look I could not decipher.

"Perseus", he said

What did he mean? Did he think that I had a crush on Perseus? I mean, I will admit he is sorta cute and handso- WHAT THE HADES AM I THINKING?! MAIDEN GODDESS OVER HERE! GET THE POINT ALREADY BRAIN!

"Wh-what?", sh*t , I stuttered.

"Do you like Perseus?", he basically enunciated

"N-no of course not! I am a maiden!", I cried out

"Well, I mean, I have never seen you feel bad for a male, you even held his hand, something you rarely do, even to your own brother", He said

"It's not like that!"

He chuckled , "It's alright Artemis, you know that you made an oath to me and I would be happy to release it , if it is infact Perseus that you prefer", I just stood there with wide eyes, what was wrong with my father? He just agreed to take away my oath if I wanted to!

"No thanks father, I do not like Perseus, or any male for that matter", I said as I straightened up and turned around briskly walking towards the door.

When I was outside I found Perseus waiting there along with the little girl, I wonder who she is...

"Oh good! You're here, this is Aria, daughter of Hephaestus, she is 9", he said, well that cleared that up!

"Oh", I said

"She ran away from home when her mother died and her stepfather always screamed at her, I found her surrounded by a horde of monsters, she called for help and as the god of heroes, it was my duty to help!", he said, that's why I admire him, always thinking of others.

"Does she want to join the hunt?", I asked

"You can tell her what's it about at camp and then she can decide, otherwise, Camp Half Blood it is!"

"Alright, let's go then, shall we?", I asked him, he just laughed

"We shall", he said linking arms with me, I felt my heartbeat quickening and my face heating up. What is wrong with me? I need to talk to Aphrodite, like now! I will go after I meet my hunters.


Jake's PoV

I sighed , this is what it had come to, we needed the help of the hunters. Some our tents were not working properly and we needed new ones which could not be provided until Percy returned.

They're magical tents, bigger on the inside and fold up to a small triangle, cool right?

I guess I have to and ask them as the lieutenant, I know the others would refuse or throw insults at the hunters. We really hated them. (A/N: Yeah I know they can just wait but where's the fun in that? And by fun I mean storyline ;P )

I walked over to the hunters campsite across the river, it was connected to ours by a small bridge, I bet Thalia will love this, us asking for help.

I sighed and walked over as slowly as possible to where Thalia was standing, "Hey Thalia, We", I called out the last word after a short pause.

Thalia looked at me incredulously, then she started laughing her head off.

After about 10 minutes she finally stopped and gave us the supplies we needed. I scampered off back to our campsite.

That was when a bright flash revealed Lady Artemis and Percy along with a little girl. Who is she? I wondered.

I saw the Warriors and Hunters looking at Percy and Lady Artemis suspiciously, I noticed their arms were linked, "Why are you guys arm-in-arm?", Jayden asked. Nice kid, good with a bow too.

"This is Aria , daughter of Hephaestus and possibly a hunter"


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