Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

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Perseus's PoV (Percy's Roman form has the same name)

Finally, it has been a while since I last had control. Percy is always hanging out in Greek territory so I am rarely in the outside world.

But this is nice, I am enjoying nature in all its glory with my Warriors and there I can see the Hunters along with the beautiful Diana.

Hold on, hunters? Diana? What the Pluto just happened here? Since when do the Warriors and Hunters get along? More importantly did I just call Diana beautiful? I hate her!

Okay, the last part isn't completely true, I mean I do think that she is pretty and I do have some respect for her, but I would never make a move on her.

Besides we are already wrapped up with our groups and keep bickering most of the time to even have a civil conversation that lasted more than five minutes.

I looked at her and she looked at me, her expression clearly stated that she had absolutely no clue as to why our two groups were together.

I turned to my Warriors and she, to her Hunters.

"Warriors, would you mind explaining why we are with the Hunters, and also, why are you not trying to annihilate each other?", I asked them, careful not to accidentally insult the Hunters in the process. Hey! It has happened before! And trust me, you do not want to see the outcome.

It took than a while, but they were finally able to explain everything that had happened so far and how we were near the Wolf House.

Wow, a lot has happened in a quite a few months. I for one, am very excited to visit Lupa and her pups. Hopefully they are not in a bad mood.

"Hmm, that's odd, Artemis didn't come to me even once to talk about this matter or to discuss you", Diana said with a puzzled look on her face.

"Wait why do you guys talk about me?", I asked, suddenly curious to know "I mean, I know I am spectacularly charming and have deviously good looks but still, I never expected you of all people to talk about me", I added with a smirk.

Diana's face turned red, "Shut up you pervert! It is nothing of that sort, we were simply discussing how annoying you are at times", She said with an angry yet flushed look.

"If you said so", I replied cheekily.

"Come on, let's just go", She Said and dragged me along.


Diana's PoV

We were now just outside the Wolf House, I sent a quick IM to Lupa and asked her to meet us in the nearby woods.

We quickly set up the camp, this time the Hunters and the Warriors had combined their camps which was a good thing, they should get along now that we are stuck in this situation.

I looked over at Perseus who was helping some of the younger Warriors set up their tents. He had a huge grin on his face and was goofing around while all the Warriors laughed at him.

I smiled, he was so sweet. Not only was he kind and generous but he was also caring and compassionate. I would've loved to be with someone like him but alas I can't because I am stuck with this stupid oath I made years ago when I was young and foolish.

I can always ask my father to remove the oath but what would he think of me? He would be very disappointed. I shook my head and cleared my thoughts as I waited for Lupa.

After a few minutes, Lupa arrived along with a few wolves. I nodded at her in greeting and she returned the gesture. Perseus came over and we spoke for quite some time about the current situation regarding the war and the sudden changes in monster hunting patterns.

After a while Lupa decided to go back, having discussed everything of importance.

"Oh and Diana before I leave, I just wanted to inform you that your mother would like you to visit her on Mount Orthrys preferably tomorrow", Lupa said as she hurried out of the tent and was off with her wolves.

I wonder why my mother wanted to talk, and what was of such great importance that she couldn't drop me an IM or something. Well, looks like I will find out tomorrow. I walked up to the campfire which had been lit in the middle of the camp.

"Ah Diana there you are, Lady Lupa asked me to escort you to Mount Orthrys to meet your mother, shall we leave tomorrow at daybreak ?", Perseus asked as I walked up to him.

I was about to ask him the same thing, we may not get along all that well but it would be good if I brought someone along. I would take my hunters but it would not exactly be safe. They would be fine here, I will put up wards around camp tomorrow so that no monsters can attack and the rest should be handled by Thalia.

_________Time Skip_________

Everyone was in bed except Perseus and I, we were still sitting next to each other near the fire, I looked up at the many different constellations and smiled.

"You should do that more often"

"Huh?", I looked at Perseus who was looking at me with a soft face.

"I mean smile more often, it's nice, it shows the sweet side that you have that most people don't know about", he explained.

"Oh", my cheeks grew hot as I smiled shyly.

I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine, we started moving closer, our faces were about an inch apart, he slowly leaned closer. I held my breath, waiting for his next move. Not once did my eyes leave his, he looked at my lips for a moment then back at me.

Then he slowly closed the distance between us.


Did I just give the story a twist? Yes and No, ;)

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