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Y/N: Corbs!! I'm so happy for you! You two are so cute together.

Corbyn: Thanks Y/N, I hope everything goes perfectly because I know she's perfect. And thank you for all this support, it really means a lot.

Y/N: <3 your welcome

Corbyn: ok Y/N, I gtg, love you best friend

Y/N: Love you too

Corbyn: <3

You turned off your phone and stared at the ceiling. Your two best friends Corbyn and Christina are now dating! You're so happy for them! You and Corbyn have been best friends since as long as you could remember and you could remember your childhood pretty clearly. You both have done everything together, dance, sing, cry over broken hearts while eating ice cream and watching Netflix. You could never ask for a better friend than Corbyn.

You got back onto your phone and went on Instagram. You scrolled for about an hour and liked all the photos your friends posted. You turned off your phone again and tried to fall asleep but you couldn't. Tomorrow is your last day of school and you couldn't wait to not have school anymore. You're 19 so that means you have done 15 years of school. Damn. 

After 1 hour of just laying there waiting for tomorrow, you finally fall asleep.

I want you//Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now