Together 'till the Last Tomorrow

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"Why do you want to dissapear that badly?" I asked her with worry and anxiousness laced in my voice as I intertwined my fingers with hers.

It didn't take her long to tighten the hold of our hands as she looked back at me, her eyes red and puffy from all that countless hours she spent on crying.

"I just can't take it anymore. Everything's just so cruel to me. I don't want this. I don't want this life. I wish I wasn't me. I wish I was just another person. Another person other than me."

She kept on repeating the same sentences over and over again. I thought that if I heard it again, my heart would ache from the pain it caused me as someone special to her. As someone so significant to her life.

Fighting back the tears that threaten to come out of my eyes, I breathed heavily and sighed. The cold and dark bedroom of hers didn't help with the dreaded feeling I have all over my body and mind. Collecting myself, I wiped the teardrops that kept falling on her small round face. I heard her sniffle and relaxing against my touch so I smiled lightly at her cute behaviour.

"I know things are hard on you. Everyone goes through that same shit too. But that doesn't mean that you don't have a right to say that you feel that it's too much for you to handle just because others don't. I'm proud of you for always fighting the odds of life and it's okay if there would be times that you can't. Because that's what I'm here for. To be with you through your happiest days and most definitely be here for you on your worsts. I'll be here for you, I promise. I will be here. We'll get through this together, okay?"

Seeing her calm down then laughing weakly, she suddenly hugs me out of the blue that made my eyes widen in surprise but nevertheless reciprocated in a moment's flat.

"Together 'till the last tomorrow."

After a few minutes have passed, she's finally okay again, talking and smiling wildly and cracking up jokes just like she normally does.

"You know, about what you said earlier. I was just pretty bum out that you were able to say that you wanted to live as someone else. 'Cause like, if you're not you then who would be with me then? You'd rather live as someone else and live without me in your life?"

I added in on the conversation we were having then feigned hurt when I looked at her to see guilt in her eyes.

She awkwardly laughed and replied, "People said they tend to say things they don't mean a lot when they can't handle their emotions so that must have been it! I'm sorry if I had hurt you because of what I said. Never in a million lightyears would I mean that."

I chuckle at her reaction and ruffled her hair. That made her annoyed and flicked my forehead. After that, we made eye contact and giggled at each other.

"I know."

"No matter what happens in my life, I'd pick you every day."

I felt myself swell with pride. How could I be so lucky for me to have someone like her?

"No matter what happens, I'd pick you every day for the rest of my life too."

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora