Riches and Friends I

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What exactly are friends?

Friends are the people who you spend your everyday life with. They listen and help you with your problems. They are the ones that tell you if you're being stupid, but doesn't make you feel stupid. They encourage you to do the things that make you happy.

And certainly, a true friend can sacrifice their happiness and even their life for you.

But that's just the problem for Kiyoshiro.

He's never had real friends. He only has those type of people that stay with him because of his name. And not for who he is. They laugh with him and compliment him but he never experienced going through something with them either good or bad. Heck he spends his time with them but that's it.

It's always pretend. Just fabricated beings. Being fed with their lies.

He's just sick of it all.

"I fuckin wish I didn't have this name."

Kiyoshiro had grit his teeth and clench his fists. He only felt frustration, anger, and wrath. But at the bottom of his heart he felt empy, sadness and heartbroken.

"That way I won't have the power, the fame and the wealth they all want."

So imagine what went through his head when he met Lucas.

"You don't know who I am?"

For the first time in his life, he sounded so confused. Never had he been not known by someone in this society. Even the animals would say they know who he was if they could talk. Because that's how it had always been for him.

Until now.

"Do I have an obligation to know you?"

The way Luke sounded was almost so offensive to anyone who would have heard it. But Kiyo didn't mind.

He was taken aback for the sole reason that this person he had bump into the streets did not know who he was.

Kiyo disguised himself so he couldn't be seen by others but surely this man before him would recognize him if his whole face was in view. Yet the stranger hadn't said a thing about it.

"No...actually you don't."

"You look so shitty. Have you been doing drugs?"

That was the first time he truly laughed. The first time he felt humiliated. Embarassed. Even so, he liked it. He liked the feeling.

"Are you going to cry about that? It's just a joke don't take it too seriously."

"First time someone joked about that to me and it came from a stranger nonetheless."

Luke chuckled at that and took out his hand to shake it.

"My name's Lucas."

Kiyo did the same and shook hands with the man infront of him. Still a bit weary if this was all just an act or if the man knew his name but not his face, he did the only thing he could think of.

"Yeah umm.. i'm Timothy."

Hide his name.


Ironic isn't it? All his life he wanted to meet someone who would accept who he is. And now that someone came in to his life he can't even tell who he is exactly.

How can he make someone accept him without even being truthful whole heartedly?

His name had strings and along with it tied were the riches everyone seeked. He hated it in every fiber of his body.

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