Enchanted AU

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Once upon a time in a magical and mystical forest not far far away from the MH Palace, there lived a beautiful girl named Alysson in a tiny white house together with her talking animal friends.

It had been a wonderful day. The skies are clear, you could very well hear the wind singing to the lives within the forest while the flowers dance around in happiness. Alysson was still working on her 'little project' as she would like to call it.

She was wearing a long pink laced off-shoulder dress that reached down just before her feet. Tied around her waist was a darker shade of pink sort of belt that were long and cascaded down her body. On her raven hair that is flowing down until her back were a bunch of pink flowery petals huddled together on different places.

It is such joy to say that she was living the fairytale life. Now all she needed was someone to love eternally. And that someone was what Alysson is currently working on.

"Hey would you look at that, Alysson honey, he's almost finished!"

A cute white cat with blue ocean eyes excitedly told Alysson while pawing the said girl. The girl giggled at that and looked at the cat.

"I know Kei! Isn't he so handsome?"

She sighed dreamily while looking at the wooden figure that resembled a man. For the past few days, Alysson was building a wooden figure that had piled up books as it's waist and dressed it with blue clothing for it's pants and blazer. It had white flowers on some of it's body parts and had leaves and a few brown stems as his hair and style for his clothing fashion. He sort of had that Prince-y vibe with the way he was positioned and how he looked.

It had two big blue buttons as it's eyes and a carved nose. Brown eyebrows that had been once part of a tree. Alysson was now almost done with it with the help of her forest friends making it quick for her to get all the things she needed.

"He looks okay, I guess?"

A little voice broke Alys from her daydreaming when she looked around where the voice came from. She found out that it was Belle, a pretty pink bird.

"He looks weird because he doesn't have lips."

"Oh you're right Belle, he doesn't have one yet."

"He will though. Right, Alysson?"

Alysson touched Belle's beak and the action made the female bird shake her head and giggle.

"Oh yes he will Belle."

A small deer went towards Alysson and nudge her a little bit. This made her look at the deer who was now eyeing her curiously.

"Why do you build this thing, Alys?"

"That's a very wonderful question, Febie."

Alysson sat down and was shortly surrounded by her animal friends to listen to what she was going to say.

"I just can't wait for my special someone to arrive. That's why i'm imagining how he would look like when he sweeps me off of my feet!"

The petite girl was now in the middle of daydreaming again when a bunny as white as snow hopped into her lap and asked her,

"How would you know he's your special someone?"

"Oh it's simple, my cute little Rhodj."

Alysson stood up and gathered all of her friends towards the wooden man she had created and started to sing a song.

🎵When you meet the someone who is meant for you🎵

A pair of light blue birds flew to sit on the figure's wooden shoulders and Alys looked at them in delight while continued her singing.

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon