Have a Taste

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                         -  A l y s -

Hearing nothing but the continous tapping of his finger on the computer mouse and the sound it produced on the screen, I had finally given up on persuading him to drink the coffee that I made and drank it instead.

When he saw the frown on my face, he covered his mouth with his unpreoccupied hand trying to fight back a smile.

"Good girl."

I heard him mutter letting his gaze fall to my frame for a second then returned it to the stuff he was working on.

I frowned more upon hearing his comment. So he didn't drink it because he wanted me to have it?


I told him back which made him laugh whole-heartedly. A laughter of my own joined his and together we just sat there enjoying both of our company.

A few years had already gone by like a flash. A lot of things have changed between our relationship although the love we have for each other seems to just get bigger and bigger.

There were times when we had decided to end things yet by the end of the day, we find ourselves in a situation where we're crying our eyes out, hugging each other tightly and just taking in the moment we both were in.

I felt him poke my right cheek and when I looked at him I saw that he was  looking at me with so much adoration in his eyes.

"You're spacing out."

"I just remembered a few things."

He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear that made me close my eyes and inhaled and ever so slowly leaned in for his touch. I let out a satisfied 'hmmm' which in return he gave out a chuckle.

"You're being weird Alys."

"You're being weird too."

"Nah i'm pretty sure it's just you."

With that I glared at him still with the pink mug filled with black coffee in my hand, I also gave out a huff.

"You're such a bully Jake."

He cringed slightly at the name and I had to bit my bottom lip to stop smiling with the small victory I managed to accomplish. I drank a little bit of coffee again.

A thought ran in my mind and I managed not to squeal in silliness. I put down the mug I was holding and stood up. He looked at me in confusion, his gaze never leaving me as I grabbed a comfty white wool sweater in our rack.

After wearing it I hurriedly went towards him and grabbed his hand. He firmly sits in his chair although it was apparent in his face he was totally confused to why I was acting like this.

"Woah slow down. Mind telling me what you're planning love?"

"That's for you to find out love."

- i think now is the appropriate time to play the song; strawberries and cigarettes // troye sivan -

He stood dumbfounded in the middle of the terrace of our shared apartment. I quickly took my phone and earphones   in our bedroom and dashed back to him only to stop in my tracks and admire what was infront of me.

Kiyo was patiently waiting for me, his lips in a playful smirk and his eyes shining so brightly under the jet black sky. His raven hair perfectly complimenting his porcelain skin. His arms both behind his back as he slouches a little bit and shifts his one foot to another.

I didn't waste anymore time as I moved towards him and placed one earphone piece in each of our ear. I plugged it in my cellphone and played the song I kept listening a few days back.

For the first few seconds of the intro we kept standing still as we hear the song play. He raised one eyebrow at me as if asking 'you love this too?' which I replied by giving a nod.

When we heard the chorus that was when we started moving. He took both my hands and placed it on his neck and after that he put his in my waist. He started swaying and I followed his movements as we were under the lights of the twinkling stars and the big yellow moon.

I could feel him staring intently on me while we kept swaying to the beat of the song. I unconsciously started playing with his hair that made him move closer to me. By now our noses were touching and we could feel both of our breathes fanning our faces.

This did not help the blush that found it's way on my cheeks and the now reddening ears of my boyfriend.

"You going to tell me now?"

The closeness of his voice made me internally gasp and close my eyes for the nth time. He tighly held my waist and pulled me more to him.

I can hear a heartbeat like it was running a marathon from how fast it was going. Right now i'm too embarass to figure out if it was mine or his or both of ours.

Endulging his scent I placed my face on the crook of his neck. Mumbling words in his skin which made him shudder.


"I was just hoping we could dance..."

His laugh resonated in the air as I see the dimly lit street lamps and people passing by the area.

He removed his one hand from my body and began ruffling my hair.

"I guess we got to do that part huh?"

Can't seem to properly face him I meekly answered his question without moving my head away from his neck.

"Yeah my wish was granted."

"Can we grant mine now?"

"What's that?"

Kiyo stepped back away from me and now smirking at how bashful I am with the skinship even though we've already done this for a few years already.

"Can I kiss you?"

He asked me with hesitation. He was afraid of ruining the romantic mood we were in so he wondered if it was a good idea to be thinking of something so selfish. He didn't know I wouldn't have mind it.

Being a bit childish I had now let go of him and crossed my arms over my chest, the music still playing in our ears.

"You didn't even taste the coffee I made."

I saw something flash in his eyes as he softly caressed my face and grabbed my chin to look up at him.

"You want me to taste it now?"


Knitting my eyebrows in confusion I tried asking him what he meant when all of a sudden his lips met mine.

My eyes widen in shock but soon found myself kissing him back. He then glided his tongue at my bottom lip that made me quiver and held his shoulders for support.

It lasted only for seven seconds when he moved back so we could breath.

"It's too sweet. Is it even coffee or melted sugar?"

Kiyo joked at me. Realizing what he did I flipped at him and shouted not too loud for our neighbors to hear.

"You shithead!"

He hugged me so quick that I didn't even had the chance to process what he said.

"I love you. Always. Forever."

Rolling my eyes I gave in and hugged him back. Pushing the killing intent I have in him at the back of my mind.

"I love you. Always. Forever."

"Now that wasn't so bad."

"I'm still going to kill you."

Our night ended with telling stories of our early memories of each other.

𝐔𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐝 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon