Embrace I

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a/n; the timeline would be unknown since I have no idea what era I had put this story in but it is confirmed that it's somewhere in Japan.

[ Alysson's POV ]

Being a daughter of someone who is of high status, I grew up being watched over and protected like some kind of princess. And just like how any princess in the world, I was taught about a lot of things. Especially rules and etiquette.

I very much appreciate the family's concern of my well-being and by no means, did try my best not to get upset at how limited everything was for me. Through the years, I had learned not to be dissapointed and crestfallen at the fact that my parents, more exactly my father, had no thoughts of ever letting me be on my own.

Everything I do is for the sake of our name. Our reputation. There was no time to act purely on my decisions just because I wanted to. I had known that the hard way.

It had always been okay with me because I thought it was for the best. I never was against anything they made me do and I never argued with the rights I have for myself with them. I didn't actually think the moment that I would do all those would happen this very day.

"How can they do such an unfair thing to me!? Deciding my future by marrying me to some guy I don't even love and I haven't even met!? I can't believe they agreed to this..."

I was pacing back and fort in my room as I calm myself down from the news I had been told. Earlier in the day, my parents were in a meeting with high status people in one of the spare rooms we had in our traditional japanese style house.

They had all been there for quite a little while and I was beginning to get curious as the seconds pass by me gazing at the fusuma*. Fortunate for me if there was one person in this household that I can trust to find something out, it would be my Aunt. She's like a bestfriend and I'm closest to her more than anyone else. One of the reasons for this is because she's only five years older than me.

Getting her to agree was easy, since she also was curious about what the meeting was all about. But I had to push her infront of the door and convince her to join them for at least a couple of minutes before she reluctantly did so.

"I don't think this is a good idea, Alys."

"Don't be such a baby, it'll be fine. You're a part of the family. Surely they'll let you in their 'oh so secret discussion'."

"Why don't you do it then?"

"Because father never allows me to. Now get going!"

It wasn't long before Aunt came to my room, looking all down and unhappy. I then worried if it was something awful they were all talking about in there. She just looked at me with pity in her eyes that made me confused and afraid of what I would hear.

"Alys, i'm so sorry."

She hugged me so tight. She had never hugged me like this before. Like it was the last time she will ever see me and that assumption alone made me internally shiver.

"What is it aunt? What are they discussing back there?"

"It's better if you hear it from your own father, honey."

And afterwards I did.

They called me to go to their room for some delightful news they wanted me to hear.  It was nowhere near delightful. Horrifying might be the perfect word to describe it.

"How can you make me do this!?"



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