⭐️FortyOne- Wowser⭐️

Start from the beginning

Jimin grabbed the streaming camera and quietly walked out of the room and shut the door. Then he sat in the living room and sat the camera on the table. "Chen is very....unique..." he smiled. "He has different ways of expressing his love. He needs lots of affection and reassurance, and the most important is skin-ship." He said slowly.

"He is very particular with skin-ship. When we are in public he would rather hold hands or have his arm wrapped around my waist....he often feels very....uncomfortable....when we aren't close together he, feels....I don't really know the word, so I'll just say unsafe.... he doesn't like so many people around, he feels like someone might do something he isn't aware of. So he keeps me very close to him at all times." He said calmly.

"ChenYoung is also a very hard worker....he'll stay up all hours of the night working to improve the company...... and sometimes he gets so stressed, it can be difficult to get him to calm down...." he giggled, "But he has this thing, where he'll get a task and stick to it. I learned this with the first argument we ever had." He sighed while shaking his head.

"He was getting out of the Hospital and the doctor said he shouldn't work out or do much for at least three weeks. And I woke up one morning and he was gone, it hadn't even been a full week since he was discharged and he was at the gym for over three hours! As soon as he got home I tried speaking to him about it but he was so worried about a sock and it got me overworked up." He laughed at the memory.

"And shortly after that he did the same thing, and then I realized he was very particular about many things. When he had his mind set on something, he needed to fix or find or do it. And nothing could get in his way, which is why he is such a hard worker. He got his mind on raising his company to the top charts of five, so he worked until it was accomplished." He smiled. "That's why-" he stopped when he heard a thump.

After he didn't hear anything else he shrugged his shoulders and continued speaking. "That's why he is always so-" but he stopped when he heard another thump and a small cry. "Am I just hearing things? You guys heard that too right?" He asked and looked at the comments. After everyone was agreeing he picked up the camera and headed upstairs.

Then he heard a tiny muffled cry and froze and listened. 'Is it La Llorona?' Jimin thought with fear. Then he heard a few sniffles and his heart shrunk as panic filled his body, 'Chen must have woken up.' He thought and ran into the room. He threw the camera on the table carelessly and rushed over to Chen who was clearly having a panic attack. He was shaking, sweating, and tears ran down his cheeks.

"Hay baby, look at me it's ok." Jimin whispered and tried holding his hand. But Chen's eyes where clouded with fear, he backed away from Jimin like a helpless child. More tears ran down his cheeks as he shook his head and sobbed.

Chen's POV:

I had seen that terrible nightmare again. The one where my father beat Jimin right in front of me and I couldn't do a thing about it. My lovers blood was everywhere and his skin was dead and bruises. I rubbed my eyes and sobbed trying to clear the image out of my head. But it wouldn't leave me alone.

I looked up and my eyes widened at the sight of a dead Jimin reaching towards me. I backed away and shook my head while sobbing even louder, I'm so sorry baby, I tried to save you but I couldn't. He's back to haunt me.

But then I heard his voice and he didn't sound dead. "ChenYoung breath ok? Close your eyes, your not seeing right." I couldn't breath and my chest tightened as I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. Then I felt small, fragile, warm hands on my cheeks. "Can you open them now?" He asked.

Honestly I feel terrified to open them, but I know it's just dream, it's my fucked up brain messing with me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my beautiful angel who has once again saved my life.

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