04. Februar 2019

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04. Februar 2019, 13.11 Uhr, WG

"Why am I taking out the trash? I literally vomited five minutes ago, why would it be a good idea to let me carry 24 empty bottles of beer?"

"You volunteered", schnarrte Lexie. Ich würgte gespielt.

"It smelled even worse inside", murmelte ich. Aufräumen war nichts für mich. Ich war gut im Ausschlafen.

"Well, it wouldn't be as bad, if you'd had your drinking under control."

"True. But not my fault to be honest. We are all way too old to play never have I ever, because everyone already did everything. I was so happy, when Enrico was all like never have I ever drunk dialed my ex, because that was the only thing I hadn't done." Lexie sagte nichts. Das war verständlich, ich glaube, hätte sie mitgespielt, hätte das Ganze bei ihr eher den umgekehrten Effekt gehabt.

"Apropos ex, why did you push me into talking to Isaac and Lizzie?", fragte ich. Das hatte mich wirklich gestört.

"You call her Lizzie?", fragte Lexie vorwurfsvoll. Ich verdrehte die Augen. Ich hasste niemanden dafür, irgendwie mal Scheiße gebaut zu haben und ich war jetzt auch nicht so close mit Isaac, um irgendeine Ex aus Solidarität zu hassen.

"Well, she seemed nice. Plus, she saved me from this friend of Carla's. Actually it is her fault, that I drank too much, I was set on getting stoned with a group of hippies, but then that guy just kept talking about the flow of the universe, and I'm really into the whole we're all one and everything is in harmony stuff, but you know if I get cancer, I won't be thinking that's cool, cause the universe has got a master plan. And he was really set on that and pretended, that my mind was just too... narrow-minded to get that, but you know, I take some drugs, I have felt the energy flowing through everything, but I am still far from believing into spirits and our bodies... like going with the moon and shit. And Lizzie saved me, because she invited us to never have I ever, which also was super bad, so technically she didn't save me, but getting super drunk and throwing up really is better than talking to someone who thinks, he's got it all figured out. He was the narrow-minded one, you know?" Lexie begann wortlos, die Flaschen in die Container zu werfen.

"So", setzte ich wieder an, "why didn't you talk to Isaac? Why did I have to do it? Because I'm pretty sure I screwed it up."

"Because... he likes you, I think. I mean, I've never heard him say anything bad about you and you're good at making people smile, so I figured you were my best shot at helping him."

"He's an adult and not an adult like me, but more like super adult. I think, he can manage a cheating ex on his own."

"Well, it hit him like really bad."

"Did it? It's none of my business, Lizzie never did anything to me and even if I make people smile, I'm good at... multiplying happiness, but five times zero is still zero, you know?"

"Alright, Tara. I won't try to help Isaac with your help."

"That's not what I meant", verteidigte ich mich.

"Then maybe don't be so pissed."

"I'm not pissed, I was curious and overwhelmed."

"Right", sagte Lexie und ich musste feststellen, dass ich recht hatte. Wo kein Glück war, konnte ich auch kein Glück zaubern. Ich war gut für glückliche Menschen, nicht für jemanden, wie Lexie. 

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