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"Someone's looking like a right snack." I lean against the door of my boyfriend's room, folding my arms across my chest and checking him out head to toe with an impressed smile; his sexy dark grey suit which highlighted his features perfectly for the conference made me mentally swoon. As much as I loved his casual fashion, his blazers and shirts emphasized his dominance and CEO qualities all the more.

I really am a lucky woman.

He smirks as he looks at me through his dressing table mirror, spraying some perfume across his neck.

"Hot." He says simply, turning around for a full view of me while parting his lips, leaning on the dressing table. I smirk seductively, making him get up and walk over to me, trying to kiss my collar but I don't give in so easily.

"Uh uh... not so fast mister." I pull back and bite my lip.

He doesn't buy that, and lifts me up by the waist, putting me on top of the dressing table. He kisses me passionately, stroking my exposed thighs as my orange dress rises up slightly, while he stands between my parted legs. The heels on my dangling feet eventually fall off. His lips trail down to my chest that's in line with his eyes and I cup his face.

We lock eyes for a second - and I ruin all the intimacy by bursting out into a very unattractive laugh.

His face void of a smile looks confused as he takes his hands off me and moves back as I cover my mouth to stop being rude.

"What?" He says, clearly slightly embarrassed.

"You have lipstick all over your face!" I pat his cheek and turn him so he's facing the mirror. His strained forehead relaxes in shock. He tries rubbing it off but it only ends up spreading more.

"Come here." I beckon. "Can you bend down a bit?" I ask him with a small smile. He agrees and drops his head slightly while I rub it off with a wet tissue.

"Are you using make up wipes? Al, I'm a man for god's sake." He says shocked.

"It's better than a man having lipstick all over his face!" I laugh, instantly putting a finger over my lips as I see his stern face, but even he can't help himself after a while.

"There, it's all gone now." I toss the dirty tissue into the bin and rub my hands together. "Maybe we should just not get too close until this conference is over."

"That's going to be a challenge." He says huskily.

"Now, what did I just say?" I laugh, brushing his face off my neck.

After a while we reach the venue and it is honestly the most grand sight ever. So many successful business men and women together in one room made me realise how talented people are all across the world. My parents would be proud to know I'm at this conference if they were alive.

After a few hours the business stuff is all over and I realised Virat is really quite popular amongst all the businessmen. On our way to the exit door we bump into at least 20 different people who want to talk to him and I wait patiently. I admired the way he was so charismatic in his mannerism and how he talked extremely patiently with all these people He really had a shrewd business mind.

I noticed he never made me feel left out though. I was always involved as the first things he did was introduce me to the person he was talking to, placing an arm on my back as he did so. I felt so special when in reality, I didn't need or want this much attention on me.

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