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"Excuse me?"

"No means no. Nuh-uh. Nope."

"But it's the CEO!"

"So?! I ain't givin up my mah weekend just to stand in the corner of the office, waiting to hand a bunch of flowers in the CEO's hands - and even worse - give up MY weekend to help clean the office?" Meghna continues scrolling through her instagram as I look at her in disbelief.

"Megs come on! It's not like you need to scrub the floors?" I sigh. "We just need to have a whole staff meeting for a few hours and you just need to help me organise some things in his son's cabin that's it!"

"You know I can do anything for you, but giving up my weekend for work - in your dreams."

Everyone was looking at us in the cafe by now, as Meghna was clearly careless about what anyone thought.

"If you need my help in organizing your love life, let me know." She went back to her iced mocha.

"Fine. I'll do it myself." I gave up arguing. Guess I would be the only employee in the office arranging this after all.

"Wait a minute..." Meghna said slowly. I turned around in surprise. "Is it that hot guy who's his son?" Meghna looked up at the ceiling, trying hard to recall.

"I don't know what he looks like." I shrug.

"Oh My God." She gasps. "His son - I know him - I've seen him somewhere."

"Well you bloody better have because you need to tell me who he is otherwise I'm going to be clueless on the day." I laugh.

"Hello, the internet does exist."

"As if I haven't already tried searching him up on instagram." I respond.


"He's not on there."

"Have you tried google?"

"Do you really think I have the time to go out of my way and use my mobile data for this?" I roll my eyes, reaching into my bag to get out my phone. And just in time - someone's calling me.

"Hello? Oh Hi - yes. Tell him I'll make the transaction today. Please do check that the flowers and everything will be dropped off by tomorrow at the latest, Karen. Also, could you send me the driver's details so I can confirm the airport pick up for Mr Kohli's son. No - I'll do it. I appreciate you coming to work on the weekend enough, unlike some." I say, glancing at Meghna who sticks her middle finger up at me.

"Thanks, bye!" I cut the phone. "Finally - progress." I relax into my chair. "This isn't going to be a disaster after all."

"You're welcome." Meghna whispers.

"Whatever in the name of God did you do to help in this situation? Please enlighten me?"

Meghna leans in closer. "I'm your good luck charm." She winks, imitating Mr Kohli. I smile and roll my eyes.

"Seriously though, that oldie really loves you." She sips her drink, not taking her eyes off me.

I look down at my drink and stir it. "What do you have against him? Just because he isn't planning on giving you a promotion anytime soon-"

"Woah, hold up. You're the one obsessed with these things not me." Meghna folds her hands.

"You are insane." I laugh. Meghna was just so blunt it was hilarious.

"And you're just so busy, you virgin. Go enjoy life a bit. Get a boyfriend or something."

"Anyways, see you on Monday, on time at 8am, alright?"

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