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The whole weekend was spent in thinking about what happened at the party with Virat. I was really unproductive work wise because I couldn't stop making my pointless mindmaps in my head. And now it's Monday and he doesn't even show up to the office. Did I upset him? Was he okay?

"Dude, stop worrying." Meghna jiggles me a little as I sit lifelessly still on my chair in my cabin, with the end of my pen in my mouth. Yes, I have a bad habit of chewing pens and pencils. Don't judge.

"How can I not worry? Meghna you should have seen the look on his face. I felt guilty for leaving a drunk man alone."

"It's Virat Kohli. He's more than capable of handling himself." She rolls her eyes.

"I don't care. Yesterday he looked the most vulnerable I've seen him be so far."

"You're making a big deal out of it. People get drunk all the time." Meghna says in a sing song voice.

"Just stop, honestly. You're so insensitive." I say. "Or maybe just jealous you didn't get invited." I quickly bite my tongue after I say that.

"Yeh jo drama laga rakha hain na, all this 'what happened to SIR, oh no did he get drunk? Oh mY gOd, he got drunk, let's take him to the hospital' - stop." Meghna says sarcastically. "One week ago who was the one who was hating every little thing about him? And now you're all worried?"

"Meghna what is wrong with you? I just shared this incident with you because I thought you're my friend and you'll understand what I went through, and perhaps help me to help him!"

"You're not his wife, for God's sake!" She says. We both look at each dumb.

"Ridiculous." I mutter, shaking my head before going out of my cabin. Meghna leaves as well, rather frustrated. That's the first time we fought. But why couldn't she just understand? It's not like she was his wife that she was getting so worried either! God.

I'm not making a scene at all. I just want to try and get to the bottom of this episode of "What Happened to Virat Kohli?"

I hadn't seen nor heard anything of him in the last 3 days which was odd because he'd usually be carbon copying me into emails to his clients or whatever, but my inbox and WhatsApp were silent.

Suddenly, I get an idea.

I walk over to Eric's newly appointed cabin, and knock on the door.

"Who the fuck is- oh Alisha! Come in come in." He says, laughing quickly to cover up his cursing.

He gets up and we meet halfway into his room. He pulls back a chair for me in front of his desk like a gentleman before sinking down into his seat behind the desk.

"Thanks." I say.

"Anything for you." He winks, which I try to ignore.

"So tell me. Any special reason for you to be in my cabin, as opposed to our somewhat hasty occasional meeting in the cafeteria?" He leans his head in with raised eyebrows and a smirk.

I clear my throat. "Um.. well I was wondering where Virat Sir is. He hasn't turned up to work today."

"Did he not? Well - I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. And anyway.... while he's away I'm sure I can do some justice to the lack of company you're experiencing." He says flirtatiously.

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