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It's been about an hour since I'm still sat here. I decide to let my ego go and call Virat but I notice I don't have any phone credit. Well for fuck's sake. I try texting, but the signal is weak. Suddenly - I see a pair of bright flashlights from my peripheral vision and a smile appears across my face as I see that they in fact belong to a yellow car.

I knew Virat would come for me. I knew he couldn't hold a grudge for that long.

I smile, standing up and walking nearer to the car as it also drove nearer to me - but to my horror - it wasn't Virat's Lamborghini. It was a taxi.

My smile fades. A list of thoughts cross my mind as I wonder what could happen next.

"Ma'am? You need lift? I drive you?" The Spanish taxi driver pops his head out of the window and asks me. I gulp. It was late in the night and taking a taxi on my own seemed like a stupid thing to do, but what would be even more stupid would be to let this taxi go and get hypothermia in this rain, with no guarantee that Virat would find me. After all, I had walked a long way.

I decide to sit inside at the back of the taxi yet I didn't even know what I was going to tell the driver. I didn't know the exact address of the place we were staying for tonight, nor the directions.

Suddenly, it occurs to me that I have my purse. I open it up to see I have my phone, cash, credit card and passport.

My eyes widen as I realize what I could do with this combination.

"Let's go to Tenerife International Airport." I say to the driver. I had no other option but to trust this man. A lot more trouble may await if I decided to let this taxi go. I was stupid enough to walk out the house at this time of night; I'm not going to be stupid enough to make more mistakes.

I pull out my phone, realizing I have a tonne or local data. Fuck yes. I didn't have any phone credit, but lots of data so I drop Virat a quick text that I'm flying back. I book myself a flight ticket and take a screenshot of the e-ticket. I'm on my way home; back to India - on my own.

I didn't care that I was wearing an evening gown to the airport that was utterly drenched, nor did I care that I wasn't taking any of my belongings with me except this little purse. I just wanted to be home, to see Meghna, to see my country again. I didn't want to feel alone anymore.

The airport arrives and I quickly check in, ignoring the stares of many people as I wade my way through the crowds into the waiting area by the gate. My phone gets discharged and I curse at myself for always forgetting to freaking charge it.

After a few hours, I've landed in India and I take another taxi, but this time I don't go to my own house, I go to Meghna's.

*knock knock*

"Okay so I'll send you the d-" Meghna opens the door and the cookie in her mouth falls out as she sees me in such a bewildered state.

"What the fuck happened to your face?" She asks me. I burst into tears as I recall the traumatic past hours and fly into a hug.


"You know what he's like. He doesn't give second chances." I sniff, drinking the hot mocha that Meghna made for me with my hair wrapped in a towel after I just had a soothing bath.

"Do you think he's found out about you coming to India?"

"Well, I messaged him. I don't know if it got delivered or not but that's not my problem." I sigh.

"This. This is where you're going wrong. Both of you are so egoistic!"

"Excuse me? Are you on my side or his?"

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