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OMG. The previous epilogue was from another book and I didn't even realize it. This is the correct epilogue. Enjoy reading and thanks for sticking with me through the whole book. You all are amazing! 

Less than three! <3


It's been a year since Matt and I got married. Our wedding was perfect and everything I ever dreamt of. It was perfect. Other than the problem that the flowers were late, everything went smoothly. I will never forget the day that I looked into the eyes of the man I loved and sealed the bond of our love. We got married right after we finished high school and right before college. I decided to take a gap year but Matt went right away. It was hard not to be with him while he was at college but I managed. My mom and I moved to Matt's city so all our families could be together. It was also because Matt wanted to go to a college there. He took the course of computer science but he also took music. Even though we moved, I still kept in touch with Ashlyn and Sarah. Jake also went to college but he didn't go to the same one as Matt. He took up football and during his first few months of college, he met a girl and she changed him. He lost a lot of his cockiness but he was still arrogant as hell. The change was drastic but he was still the Jake that I knew and loved. The girl, Rachel, was perfect for him. Jonah moved in with mom and they bought a house that wasn't too far from Jake's place. Matt's parents and my mom let us buy an apartment for ourselves. They wanted us to buy a house but we said that an apartment was fine. We chose one that was near his college so it was easier for him. Our apartment was around 25 minutes to his house and my mom's and Jonah's house. We went back there whenever we wanted. 

It was summer break again. Matt was still asleep in our bedroom. Our apartment had two bedrooms but we used one of them for an office. There were two bedrooms and one bathroom. The kitchen and living room were connected. The apartment was small but it was just perfect for us. It was cozy and we both loved it. Matt let me design the whole place and it turned out to be Mirchindaniiibetter than I thought it would be.  It was almost lunch time. but he wasn't awake yet. He had slept late the night before since he had to work on one a software that he was making. For the past few days, I hadn't been feeling well and I was throwing up all the time. I had a thought in my head the whole time but I never thought to confirm it. I was currently standing in the bathroom looking down at the stick. Two lines? Two lines! I didn't know how to react yet. I left the stick in the bathroom. I got back in bed and hugged Matt. His arms automatically wrapped around me, around my stomach. It was hard to think that there was a living form inside of me. I couldn't believe it. The thought got me reaching down and rubbing my stomach. I smiled as I did and my stomach fluttered. It felt different. I knew something wasn't the same for the past few days but I didn't know what. 

Matt seemed to notice that something happened. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and he kissed my lips. "Good morning, wife," he said. He loved calling me that. It felt like it was just yesterday that we got married and he was still so happy. "Good morning," I said with a huge smile. "Why are you so happy? No throwing up this morning?" he asked and smiled back at me. "Even better," I told him and pecked his lips. I got out of his arms and went back to the bathroom. I took the stick and hid it in my hand as I walked back. "What's up, baby?" he asked as I sat in front of him. I set the stick down on the bed and he looked down at it. It took a few seconds for him to react so I didn't know how he was feeling. I didn't know if he was happy or upset. I didn't know if he wanted the baby or not. I was starting to get worried since he wasn't saying anything. He just stared down at the stick. After a few more seconds, he looked up. I could just see shock on his face. "So that explains the all the throwing up? And it means that you're not sick?" he asked. I nodded. He was now grinning and I felt so relieved. "I'm going to be a dad?" he whispered. I laughed and pulled his face to mine, crashing my lips to his. "Yes! You're going to be a dad!" I giggled. What happened next shocked me. He pulled me into his arms and jumped up off the bed. He spun us around in a circle and I laughed so hard. He put me back down and he bent down to kiss my stomach. "I can't believe it!" he screamed and kissed me hard again."You're happy?" I asked him. "Happy? I'm ecstatic!" 

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