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[Matt's POV]

I was falling asleep by her side. I was still sitting on the chair by Cay's be with her hand in mine. I had my eyes shut and my head was in my arms on the bed but I wasn't sleeping and I wasn't planning on it. I wanted to be there when she woke up. I felt someone slightly clutch my hand and looked up to see Casey with a pained expression on her face. She was still unconscious but I could tell she was in pain. I abruptly stood up and everyone turned to look at me. "Get a nurse!" I screamed at Jake who was out of his chair and out the door in seconds. Her grip on my hand started getting stronger and she was shaking and whimpering. "Casey," I kept saying, trying to comfort her. Her dad stood beside Jonah's bed with a very pained expression while mine and Jake's parents stood around her bed trying to do something. Even Jonah was trying to get out of bed but Cay's dad kept stopping him. He's helping him but not her? I don't get it...

My thoughts were cut off by a very loud, pain filled scream. I looked down at Cay who bolted upright on the bed and was now sitting down, screaming bloody murder but her eyes were still shut tightly. "Casey!" I screamed and tried to get her back in the bed but she wouldn't move and my tries were weak. I didn't even think she heard my voice over her loud screaming. Doctors and nurses suddenly barged into the room and ran to Casey's bed. Some were trying to make us move away but I refused to leave from Casey's side. She was still screaming in pain and her eyes were still shut. Doctors and nurses were holding her down while the doctor from before was trying to inject her with something. The door was wide open so you could see that people were trying to see what all the commotion was about. Finally, they got her still enough to inject her with the sedative. Her screams died down and she fell back on the bed. All the doctors and nurses were relieved as they left the room while two nurses and the doctor stayed. The nurses were fixing her bed and making her comfortable while the doctor was checking her. I only noticed this now but she had tubes and chords connected to her arm from various machines. I looked around the room to see mine and Jake's parents with worried expressions on their faces. Jonah was close to getting off the bed if it wasn't for Jake was forcing him to stay in the bed. Casey's dad was nowhere to be found. After half an hour of the doctors checking, he finally finished. "She was conscious. We don't know what happened but it seemed like it was the poison that caused the pain. We still can't get ALL the poison out of her system, it's just multiplying too rapidly like I said before. We can't do anything yet until we find out more. We've given her a sedative to knock her out because we're afraid that she might not be capable of handling the pain." Pssh, naah! My girl's strong, she can handle it. "I need to talk to her father. Do you know where he might be?" he asked and looked around the room, searching from answers. We all said no and he nodded. "Well then, I'll go search for him," he said and left the room. Where is he?

I moved back to Cay's side and kissed her forehead. She was slightly shaking and her face still looked a bit pained. The room wasn't too cold but the she might still be in pain. Damn, why'd I let this happen???

[John's POV (Casey's Dad)]

Seeing her in so much pain, it just killed me. I stormed out of the room after I got Jonah to stay in his bed. I still can't believe that I'm his dad.

[Flashback...15 years ago]

"One more push!" the doctor shouted over her loud screams. There we were, in hospital room 3250, waiting for the arrival of our first son. Little Casey, who was 2 years old at that time, was at my parents house since we probably couldn't take care of her at that time. It was so long ago that I don't think Casey remembers it at all. "One more," I said and kissed my wife's forehead. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and nodded. She'd been in labor for 10 hours now and we were finally in the delivery room. She took in a deep breath and screamed as she pushed our son out. I was both excited and scared to see him. Her loud scream filled my ears and I just wanted to close my ears but I was too distracted. Tracey fell back down on the bed and started panting. She was doing really great and I knew right there and then that I loved her more than my own life. "You're doing great," I said and pecked cheek. I could feel and taste the sweat on my lips but just ignored it. "Well, how are you supposed to know? You're not the one pushing out a 6 pound baby out your vag-AAHHH!" she screamed as another contraction hit her. I chuckled and kissed her forehead. When she stopped screaming, she let out a big breath of air and shifted on the bed into a more comfortable position on the bed. She gave my hand a squeeze before putting it to her cheek. "When will the pain end???" she shouted and looked up at me with pleading eyes -as if to say, "Make it stop!"-. I chuckled and pecked her on the lips. "Okay, now, when the next contraction comes, I want you to push as hard as you can," the doctor says and she nods with fear in her eyes. "It's okay, you're doing great. Just push and we'll get to see our son soon," I whisper to her and she nods. She gets ready and grips my hand. She takes in a deep breath as she feels the contraction coming and I do it as well to get ready for the screaming and the pain in my hand. She looks at me one more time before she starts pushing and screaming as loud as she can. In a minute or so, she stops and falls back on the bed, panting. The silence in the room was soon replaced with the noise f a baby crying. "It's a boy," the doctor says as he looks at him. I'm eager to see my son but I was focused on her beautiful face as she panted. "Would you like to hold him, dad?" the nurse said and I looked at the small bundle of baby blue blankets in her arms. I nodded and held my arms out. She told me how to hold the baby and I did as she told me to do. As I stared at those big brown eyes that were so much familiar to mine, I knew at that moment that I loved him already...Jonah Sterling Bryson.

[End of Flashback]

When I think of that moment, I regret ever agreeing to step sister's demand. She wanted another child so badly since she couldn't have kids anymore after having Carmen so she begged me to let her adopt Jonah. I agreed and Tracey felt so sorry for her so we just gave him. I don't know what I was thinking. We both didn't have any jobs at that time and we were only depending on our parent's money so it was better that we let her adopt him. We couldn't even take care of Casey so it would've been worse with Jonah. I didn't want to do it but I had to think of his future. Now that I remember it, I regret it fully! After he told me what had happened for the past few years, I wanted to kill myself for letting it happen.

I was in a hallway that was far from Casey's room where there were chairs bolted to the walls. I sat down and put my head in my hands. What have I done? I'm glad I told Tracey to go home and rest because if she was here, I don't think she'd be able to go through what just happened. I was in deep thought when someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see the doctor. "I'm sorry but I need to speak to you," he said and I nodded. He sat down on the chair across from mine and ran a hand threw his already messy hair. This guy looked to be at least 25 years old. "You should understand that your daughter is fighting for her life right now. From what we observed before, we know that the poison will cause her pain. It's slowly killing her. If we don't get her the cure in time, she'll eventually..." he trailed off with the sentence. I sighed a frustrated sigh and nodded. I already knew all this before he even told me. "We're going to need to move her to another room. There's a part of this hospital that is secluded and not many people go there, we can move her there," he said and I nodded. "Move her. My colleague will be here in another hour or so and we can start looking for the cure," I said and he got up quickly and started jogging back to Casey's room. I hope I can fix this...

[Jonah's POV]

I can't believe he's my dad, CASEY'S dad is MY dad! I can't believe it. He told me the whole story of how his step sister, my adoptive mom, begged him to let her take me. I told him of how that bastard took me against my will and tortured me almost to death. He said that he'd take me back as soon as everything's better and I'm ecstatic but Casey, she's not. She's my sister and I love her already but she's not okay. The poison, it's gotten most of her already. She's experienced the pain already but I know for sure, it's just the start. The pain kills, literally. Man, we need to get the cure soon because it's gonna get worse...much worse.


You know what to do...SCROLL DOWN!!!

This chapter has not been edited.


It's not so good but I hope you liked it :D Chapters are getting longer right?


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Ps: I'm gonna stop posting for a while to let people catch up since I'm already pretty far in the story :) Unless you comment!

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