Chapter 8

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[Jake's POV] 

I watched the ambulance drive away. Dammit, why the hell did we leave her? Why didn't we stay home or why didn't we just force her to come? I sighed and turned back to the police man in front of me, who was asking me a hell lot of questions.

"Do you know anybody who would want do this?" I couldn't take it anymore and blew my top.

"I. Don't. Know. Please, can we do this later? I just want to go see my cousin right now!" He looked shock for a moment but then nodded.

I half ran to my car and jumped in. I drove quickly but carefully to the hospital and when I got there, I saw Matt standing in one of the hallways. I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumped then turned his head to look at me. He gave me a blank expression then a nurse came.

"Sirs, you will have to wait in the waiting room."

We both nodded and followed her directions to the waiting room. I sat down on a chair in front of him and he gave me a sad look before looking down at the ground.

"This is all my fucking fault," I heard him whisper and he clenched his fists.

Man, this is gonna be hard to deal with, with just the two of us. Where are our parents?

"Dude, this isn't your fault. You didn't know this was gonna happen, none of us did," I said to him and he looked up at me.

His eyes were swimming in guilt, sadness and anger.

"What the hell happened?" he asked me.

I shrugged then said, "Other than what we know, the police don't know anything yet. They're waiting to ask for ours and Case's statements or some shit like that."

I remember parts of what that annoying police man said.

"Oh," he just muttered. "Whoever the hell did this to her is going to fucking die in hell."

Oh damn, big boy is mad. Yeah, I know, this isn't the time to make jokes and all but hey, I was born a jerk.

"Dude, chill." He looked up at me, his eyes filled with anger.

I expected him to shout something like, "CHILL? My girlfriend, your cousin, is in there because of some criminal who broke in the house for no fucking reason!" but he didn't. He hesitated at first but then nodded.

I knew he was staying calm for Casey. He started feeling his pockets then stood up when he found his phone.

"She told me to tell her parents," he muttered and I stood up then said, "Nah, man, I'll do it."

He nodded then sat back down again. I guess he didn't really want to do it and also, he had no idea how to contact them. I walked out the doors to the front of the hospital and sat down on one of those wooden benches. Well, I guess if I'm gonna have people screaming in my ear, might as well get comfortable. I dialed mom's number and prepared to face the music. I took in a deep breath while the phone rang. It rang three times before mom finally picked up.  

"Vina here, may I know who this is?"  

"Hey, mom, it's me."  

"Oh, hi, honey! How have you all been?"  

"Uh, later. Where are you?"  

"Uhm, I'm in the office with your dad, your uncle and aunt and Matthew's parents." 

"Alone with them?"  

"Yes, dear. Why?"  

"Put it on speaker phone please."  

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