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Chapter 27

[Matt's POV]

I walked over to Damon and brought my fist back to punch him. I heard the sound of guns click and right before I punched him, the sound of police sirens came on. The doors were kicked down and a whole bunch of police came in. There was a lot of shouting in the air and a whole lot of other sounds. I looked back at Cay's parents. Her dad had her unconscious mom in his hands. I looked at Jake who was with Jonah as the paramedics were strapping him onto a stretcher. I turned around to see Cay being strapped onto a stretcher as well. I ran beside them as they carried the stretcher quickly to an ambulance. When they got her strapped in, I demanded that I would come but they wouldn't let me so I got pissed off and ran to where Jake and Cay's parents were. "We need to go to the hospital! NOW!" I shouted, brining back everyone to reality. We all hopped into a van that was pretty cool but I couldn't care less about it. I was too focused on seeing Cay. We sped to the hospital, breaking every single driving law in the world. Cay's dad was driving with me in the passenger seat and Jake and Cay's crying mom in his arms. A couple of other men sat with us. They were as big and tough looking as Bruno and Biggy. Bruno? Biggy? What the hell happened to them two? I haven't seen any of them since that night at the club. Wait? When was that? Like two or three days ago? Shit, I haven't taken a shower, eaten or 'used the men's room' in two or three days? Man, I'm hungry now. Ah shit, why am I bothering about myself when the love of my life could be fighting for her life right now? I shook my head and looked up as we arrived at the hospital.

5 hours later... [Sorry, I had to skip a lot but I'm really eager to write this scene! :D)

[Casey's POV]

I woke up to the sound of waved crashing, tree's swaying and the wind blowing. It smelled like the beach and it had this peaceful atmosphere. I couldn't really explain it. It felt real but at the same time felt like a dream. It made me happy to be there but also scared to be in a place I don't know. It almost felt like...heaven? Could it really be heaven? Oh. My. Gosh.

I looked around to see cliffs and lots of sand. I looked back to see a forest. The sun looked like it just came up but was frozen in that place so that the sunlight was shining over the water, making it look almost magical. I stood up and looked down at myself. I was barefoot in this strapless, white dress that went past my knees but stopped right before my ankle. It was really beautiful and it looked nothing like I'd ever seen before. I looked around and my eyes locked on this beautiful cliff. It wasn't that it was really tall and overlooking the beautiful water but it was the beautiful old couple sitting on this wooden bench. The man had an arm around the woman's shoulder and they were just looking over the water and at the sun in each other's arms. I could feel the love between them and it made me think of me and Matt. Matt? God, I miss Matt. Oh, God, what did I do to deserve this? I smiled to myself when I saw him peck her cheek and started walking towards them. I didn't really know what I was doing but my feet kept me walking. It wasn't really far and it wasn't hard to climb the hill to the cliff. I loved the feel of the sand on my feet sand between the toes. I kicked the sand and played with it while I was walking there. When I got to the top, the couple was still sitting together in each other's arms. When I got closer, they started looking like my grandparents. But it's impossible, my grandparents are dead? Does that mean I'm dead too? They turned their heads and looked at me. I froze in place. They looked exactly like the wrinkly faces I longed to see. My grandma's captivating, big brown eyes and my grandpa's big, piercing blue eyes. I grinned and they smiled back. "Come here, darling," my grandma's soothing voice called. I walked over to them and they had made some space for me on the bench right in between them. I hated parting their connection but I missed being in their arms. "Am I in heaven, Nana?" I asked, feeling like a little girl again. "Almost, baby girl, almost," she said and looked at the sun again. "Where are we, gramps?" I said looking up at those familiar blue eyes. "We're almost in heaven. It's like we're in between. Like a place you stay while God decides where you're gonna go: Heaven, hell or even back to Earth," he said with his soft, velvet voice. "But it ain't just God's decision. You have to choose too. You have to choose if you want to go back to Earth of to immortality, sweetheart." I thought about what he said as I looked at the sun's reflection in the water. Do I wanna go back to Earth? Or do I wanna go to heaven or hell? It's beautiful here and I'm sure it'll be better in heaven but what if I go to hell? What about Matt? Will he be able to take it if I died? I'd still get to see him after right? But I don't wanna put him in anymore pain than he's already in. I love him to much to leave him. I guess I've made my decision. "The decision's yours, baby girl," Nana said and I shut my eyes to think. I felt them both kiss either side of my cheek and I smiled. When I opened my eyes again, they weren't there. I looked around and there was nobody else there. I sighed and closed my eyes again. "Thanks, Nana. Thanks, gramps," I whispered.

I opened my eyes again to find that I was no longer sitting on the wooden bench anymore but on this big rock on the beach. It was hard but comfortable. I looked around and saw the same beautiful scenery as before and I smiled. How am I gonna get out of this place? But I don't want to. It's amazing here. "Casey!" a familiar voice screamed from behind me. I turned around to see...



This hasn't been edited or spell checked.

It's short and isn't that good, I know :( Sorry, I'm like half asleep right now but I really wanted to upload another chapter so here it is :D

Tell me whose POV you want me to put in next please :)


Who do you think called her at the end of this chap?

Who do you want it to to be?

What do you think of this chap?

Is it good, bad or what? (Coz I kinda changed how I write a bit :))

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What do you think is gonna happen next?

Well...PLEASE do leave a comment, vote, and become a fan...well, only if you like but please, leave a comment or at least vote? I'll give you a shoutout in the next chap if you do! :D

Thanks for taking the time to read! Less than three! <3

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