Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

I gasped as I felt the bullet hit me. I fell to the ground with a loud cry of pain. "ARGH!" I cried and I heard Matt and Stefan call my name. "Casey!" Matt cried. "Shit!" I cried and looked down. I grasped at the hole in my stomach. Blood poured out. "Don't worry. It's just a flesh wound. No organs were hit," he assured me. He tossed me a rag cloth and I held it to my body. "Dammit!" I screamed in pain as I pressed on it, wiping the blood. "Untie one of them so they can help her," Bruno told the guys and they untied Stefan, seeing as Matt could barely hold himself up. "Take care, children," Bruno said, leaving the room. "Oh, fuck," Stefan said and took the rag cloth from me. He held it to the gunshot and I screamed in pain as he pressed. "Dammit," he muttered. "Is it bad?" I asked him. "I dunno. I took first aid in high school but we never did anything on gunshots," he explained. "Stop the bleeding," Matt told us. Stefan nodded and took the rag cloth. He pressed it deeper. "Big ass, mother fucker!" I cried, pushing his arms off of me. "Casey, look at me," Matt said. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "I love you, baby," he said. I knew he was just trying to distract me. Stefan pressed the cloth to me again and I bit my tongue. "I love you more," I said to him. He chuckled and said, "Not likely. 

"Dammit," Stefan said, tossing the rag full of blood aside. It was to soaked to absorb anything anymore. He tore off his jacket, showing a shirt. He held his jacket to my body and I bit my tongue again. I could feel sleepiness creeping up on me. All the missed ours of sleep were catching up now because I knew Matt was okay. My eyes started closing and I rolled my head to the side. "Keep her awake!" Matt cried. "Casey, wake up!" Stefan said and slapped my face. "Ah, what the hell was that for?" I asked him tiredly. "Stay awake," he told me sternly. "I'm tired, Stevie," I told him with a yawn. "Well that makes sense since you haven't slept for the past 3 days," he said. I nodded with a yawn. "In that case, she can sleep," Matt said. I groaned. "Can't you untie him," I asked one of the guards. He looked at me and shook my head. "Please," I begged with tears in my eyes. His straight face wavered once and he finally gave in. "What are you doing? Boss is going to be pissed," another guy said to him but he ignored. He let Matt down and Matt felt to his knees. "Thank you," I said to him. He nodded. Matt crawled over to me and attacked my lips. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. "Does it hurt?" he questioned me. I deadpanned him and he chuckled. "I get it, babes. I'm sorry," he said and pecked my lips. "Damn," he muttered as he looked at my wound. "Is it bad?" I asked, covering my eyes with my arms. "It's great. It didn't get any organs like he said. You're gonna be fine." He laid my head on his lap. "Damn," I muttered and closed my eyes. "Can I sleep?" I asked with a yawn. He nodded and kissed me. "I love you," I said to him. "I love you too," I heard him say as I drifted off to sleep. 

[Matt's POV] 

As soon as she closed her eyes, I knew she was already asleep. "Ah, fuck," I muttered. I put her head down on the floor gently and moved to her body. "It's bad, isn't it?" Stefan asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to stress her. That would only make it worse," I explained. He nodded. "She's losing way too much blood," he said. I nodded. "I know that," I took the jacket from him and pressed it harder on her stomach. "It's too bloody," grunted. Stefan took his shirt off and he was wearing a wife beater under. He gave his shirt to me. I nodded a thanks at him. "She's losing too much blood, dammit!" I cussed. I didn't say it too loudly since I didn't want her to wake up. "Shit," I whispered. Suddenly, something was tossed our way. It was a first aid kit. It was the man who let me go. I shouted thank you to him and grabbed it. I opened it and found some gauges and other things. I grabbed it and the bottle of alcohol. I also found a needle and a string. I had to stitch it, I knew that. I opened the bottle of alcohol inside and dipped the needle in the alcohol. I told Stefan to hold it and he did. I took of the shirt from her body and prepared the alcohol. "What the hell? Are you gonna-" Stefan asked, panicked. I knew this would hurt like shit. I poured the alcohol before Stefan stopped me and a scream pierced the room. Casey screamed out and I bit my tongue. I hated to hurt her. "I'm sorry," I cried. I put the alcohol bottle away and Casey was panting. "Damn!" she screamed. She had tears in her eyes and I pecked her lips. 

"This will hurt, baby. I'm sorry," I said to her and she groaned. I tied the string to the needle and Stefan moved to Casey's head and put it on his lap. Casey looked up at him with panicked eyes. "Imagine we're back at the island and we're on the beach. We're having fun. All of us," Stefan said to her, grabbing her face, making her look up from her stomach. I knew he was trying to distract her. I pushed the needle through her skin and I heard her whimper. "And we're swimming," Stefan said, caressing her face. I wanted to be the one to do that but I knew I had to take care of her. I finished the stitch and wiped all the blood away. "Sit up," I told her. Stefan helped her and I wrapped the gauge around her torso. When I finished, we helped her back down and her eyes shut. "Thank you," she said to me. I nodded and kissed her lips. Stefan moved her head onto my lap. I nodded at him. He took all the blood-covered cloths and put them all together with the first aid kit. "Go to sleep, baby," I whispered in her ear. She closed her eyes and took my hand in hers. "I love you, so much," she whispered. "I love you too," I said and kissed her lips.


Short, I know. Sorry. 

This story is getting close to the end. :"> 

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