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I recited the number I knew in my heart and listened as the line rang a few times. Damon was standing beside me, holding the phone to my ear. The line rang for the 6th time and finally, someone picked up.  

"Hello?" I heard my dad's hoarse voice.  


"Casey! Oh, honey! Where are you? Are you alright? We were so worried about you three!"  

Damon pulled on my hair when I didn't reply. He said, "Repeat what I say." And so I did... 

"Dad, come to Woodlyn Street Number 26 Lot B tomorrow at 12pm. Bring 10 million dollars with you. Nobody else can come except you and mom. If you bring the police, they will kill us immediately. In exchange for the 10 million dollars, you will get us back," I repeated his words. 10 MILLION FREAKING DOLLARS?! You gotta be kidding me!  

The line was silent for a few seconds before I started screaming into the phone, "DAD! Don't do this! Don't listen to hi-" I was cut off when Damon slapped me across the face, causing me to fall onto my side, still tied to the chair. I whimpered and heard people shouting in the background but I couldn't focus on the voices since I was so focused on my stinging cheek. I looked up to see Damon looking back down at me with an evil smirk. "Untie her," he ordered. Two men came and untied me but held my arms so I couldn't escape. "You know what? You can be a real bitch sometimes and I can see that you got that from that bitch of a woman you call 'Mom'," he said and I almost hissed. "Don't you dare call her a bitch you fucking ass hole!" I screamed in his face. He shook his head and tsked. He turned to me and suddenly grabbed a fistful of my strawberry blonde hair. I whimpered in pain and tried to get out of the men's grip but they were holding my arms so tight. He sniffed my hair again and started kissing from my jaw line to my neck. The kisses were nothing like Matt's kisses. They were disgusting and felt rough and I had to hold back the feeling of wanting to puke. He let go of my hair, which I was grateful for, but soon grabbed my butt. I gasped and tried to push him away but the men were too strong. "Hey," I heard Jonah's smooth voice say and Damon stopped kissing me. He looked at him and I saw by the look on Jonah's face, he was not happy. He turned back to me and moved his face closer so his lips where right near my lips. "You know what?" he asked. "WHAT?!" my loud voice filled the big room. "I'm going to rape you now," he said in a voice that made chills run down my spine but in a bad way and my eyes widened. Did he just say that he was gonna rape me?! HE grabbed and squeezed my ass more tightly and roughly and pulled me to him. The two men let go but I was now stuck in Damon's grip. I was trying to push him away but he started kissing my lips. I felt disgusted but I was trapped. I couldn't find a way out of his grip so I just did something I thought would get him to let go. I kicked him where the sun don't shine as hard as I could. He fell to his knees and groaned in pain as I took a step back. Before I could take any more steps back, Damon screamed "You bitch!" and took out a knife from out of nowhere and stabbed my stomach. It hurt but I couldn't focus on how much it did because I was in so much shock. I fell to the cold ground and listened to the noise in the air. I heard people screaming my name but I couldn't focus on them as the pain became stronger and my vision started getting blurry. I put my hand to where he stabbed me and I felt something wet and sticky slip through my fingers. All the voices started to fade and soon, everything went black.

[Jonah's POV]

I couldn't just stand there watching as HIS hands felt her body. My fists were clenched and I was gritting my teeth. I was breathing harshly and I was trying to keep my composure but was brought back to reality when I heard someone groan in pain and then someone scream, "You bitch!" My head shot up to where the voice came from and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw HIM stabbing Casey with a knife. "NO!" I screamed and ran to them. HE stood back up and threw the knife to the floor and it barely missed Casey. I stood in front of her now unconscious body, trying to protect her from HIM. When I watched her get stabbed, it felt like I was being stabbed too. I held my hand out in a way that told him to stand back. "Don't! If you kill her, you'll have less to ransom and you won't get your 10 million dollars!!!" I screamed. That was the only pathetic reason I could make up but it seemed like he bought it. He thought about it for a minute before he started walking out the room. "Yeah, take them to their cells!" his icy voice echoed through the room and he shook his hand in the air and the sound of the door slamming filled the air. I turned to look at her unconscious form. I felt my heart drop as soon as I saw so much blood on her hands and body. I know she didn't know me and I didn't know her much but it felt like she was a part of me. I've never felt like this with anyone except with my sister, Carmen. It was like she was my own sister. I don't know if she felt like that with me but I hope so. I might actually be able to have a real family after all these years of loneliness in this hell hole. I picked her up and looked at her unconscious body. She looked so fragile and it seemed like any movement could break her. I turned to the others and said, "Bring the two to the cell!" I demanded. Since HE was my "cousin", everyone pretty much took my orders, well, except Pierce. One of the guys took the two and started dragging them out the room and I followed with her in my arms. I tried to remember her names from when one of the guys said it and I remembered one of them said Casey. Oh right, her name's Casey. She's like my sister in every way actually. We got to the basement which we turned into a jail type of room and the guy threw the two guys onto the ground. They grunted but got up as soon as they saw me putting Casey down on the bed. I ripped a long strip of cloth from my shirt and put it down. I took of the rest of my shirt off and put it under the tap and had it soaked. When I turned around, I saw one of the guys sitting next to Casey and stroking her cheek. From that gesture, I would guess that he's her boyfriend and the other guy, brother maybe? I walked over to her and unbuttoned the small three buttons of the leather vest she was wearing. She was in black leather pants and a black leather vest. I cleaned the wound and cleaned the blood on her skin. When you live with an abusive cousin for years, you'd learn how to take care of cuts and lots of other injuries. I wrapped the thin strap of cloth around her body and tightly around her wound with the help of the two guys. When I was done, I couldn't button up her vest since it was two tight and would ruin the makeshift bandages. I went over to the sink and washed the blood from my hands. "I'll be back. Don't try anything," I said and started walking out the room when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my face to see who I thought was her brother and he said, "Thanks a lot man." I haven't had someone be that kind to me since I could remember. I nodded and left. Thankfully, my room was only across the hall and it wouldn't take long to get a shirt and get back to them.

[Jake's POV]

Jonah left the room and said that he'd be back. I said thanks to him and he just nodded then left. There's something about him, it's like he has a pull to Casey. It's not one of attraction but more like a brotherly pull. Like the pull I have with Casey. I turned to look at Casey and Matt. Matt was sitting on the floor beside the bed, caressing Case's cheek. He kissed her cheek and stood up. "Do you think her parents are gonna come tomorrow?" he said with worry clear on his face. He glanced at Case then gave me a sad look. "I'm sure they will," I said and slapped his back. He nodded and the door opened again. Jonah came in with a shirt on and another shirt in his hands. He walked over to Case and carefully took of her weather vest and slipped on the shirt with Matt's help. When Jonah finally sat down against the wall and put his head in his hands, I talked to him and finally asked the question I've been dying to ask him. "Jonah, dude, why are you helping us?" I asked and slid down to sit on the floor and leaned my back on the bars of the cell. His head shot up and his eyes looked troubled. "I-I-I...because...uh...I-" he stuttered. "Whatever it is, you can tell us," Matt said and I nodded. "Okay, if I'm telling you, I should just start from the start," he said and we both nodded.  

"HE, the guy Casey calls 'Damon', he's my ass hole of a cousin. My dad, he was a really rich man. He had tons of money and we lived in this really big mansion while HE lived in the slums with his family. His family had asked my family for money but my dad didn't want to give it. So they lived in the slums and they were pissed off at us. When he was old enough, he moved away but didn't have enough money to get a good place. One day, his dad got really sick and needed treatment from the hospitals but they didn't have enough money to get it so they asked my family again but my dad still didn't want to give it. They said it was because it was because of this fight his dad and my dad had when they were young. My dad still didn't get over it so he hated his brother, or my uncle, otherwise HIS dad. So, yeah, his dad died since he couldn't get the treatment. He blamed it on my dad and he really hated my dad. When my dad died, he left all his possessions to me in his will. HE knew that and wanted everything because he thought it was what he needed. He, he k-killed my whole family so that I was the only one left and he was my only guardian. I was forced to live with him so when I come of age, I'll get everything my dad left for me and HE would take it all from me. I tried to escape once but he did...something to me that stopped me from trying it again. It's something I'd never want someone to go through again and I've heard that he was gonna do it to Casey." 

"So, you're helping us because you don't want him to do whatever it is to Casey?" I asked. 

"Well, that's one reason but there's another reason too. I told you that HE killed my sister, right. Well, my sister and I were really tight," he said and looked out the tiny window. I could hear the sadness and pain in his voice. "My sister, Carmen, was exactly like Casey and seeing Casey right now, like this, it hurts me. She reminds me of my sister. Her strawberry blond hair, her beauty, even her stubbornness," he chuckle a sad chuckle and had a sad smile on his face.  

"So, you're just helping us because she reminds you of your sister?" I asked. 

He nodded. "I've been living in this hell hole for 4 fucking years. Tortured, beaten up and used! But when I saw your sister, it all changed. It felt like I actually had a reason to live!" 

I was speechless. I didn't know this dude but I felt sorry for him. 4 years in this hell. I don't think I would've survived. I looked at him and whispered a thanks. He shrugged and sat back down. I looked at Matt who was still looking at Casey with a tear in his eye. Damn, what the hell has uncle gotten us into?!


Shout-out to Ritz, also known as Love2Hate! She's pretty much awesome. :) , If you haven't yet, read her story! It is beyond great. She's a really great writer!! <3

This chapter hasn't been edited.

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